Page 56 of Don't Let Go

As soon as we entered, Gabs used us as a human shield while we followed the hostess to our table. Chloe poked my arm andnodded to a tall guy in a black uniform. “That’s him,” she mouthed.

I glanced at him as we took a seat. He was muscular, like he played on a sports team, maybe baseball, with those perfectly tanned and toned arms and legs. He had a crooked smile, yet charming in its imperfection. His light brown hair was all over like he’d recently come from the pool. I could see why Gabs was crushing on him.

I admit he’s cute.

Gabs sat across from me at the table. I couldn’t help but grin at her. “Not bad.”

She puffed up, about to tell us off for teasing her when lover boy came over to take our drink order.

“Hello, ladies. I’m Jeff, and I’ll be your waiter. What can I get you all to drink while you look over the menu?” He was ready with his pen and pad of paper.

Chloe had to be first. “I’ll take an iced tea with no lemon.”

He nodded and looked at me. “I’ll have a Diet Coke.”

Next was Gabs. She turned red. “I’ll have a Diet Coke, too,” she said in one breath.

Maria elbowed her playfully. “And I’ll take a Sprite.”

“I’ll get those drinks for you. Take your time with the menu, and let me know if you have any questions.” He left for the kitchen.

All three of us burst into giggles. Gabs was as still as a statue. “This isn’t funny,” she grumbled, staring at the table.

“Come on. You never act like this. We’re only playing with you.” Chloe crossed her heart. “I promise.”

Gabs pouted. “I don’t like being teased.”

“Subject change then,” Chloe snaked her arm around my shoulders. “There’s a rumor going around Rory is getting close to Tyler.”

Gabs and Maria leaned forward. Their eyes glued to me. “This true?” they both said in unison.

I shrugged Chloe off and gave her the evil eye. I didn’t want to talk about Ty.

“We talk, so what? He understands me in a way most don’t. We’re in the same dead parent club.”

Maria licked her lips. “He’s hot, though, and he smells good. He walks by me going to third, so I know.”

I drummed my fingernails on the table. “Yeah. He’s cute and all, but I’m with—”

Chloe smacked my arm. “Don’t you say Paolo. You know you need to drop that loser like yesterday’s trash.”

“I know.” I sank into my seat. “Let’s talk about something other than relationships.”

We discussed the game and the new horror movie coming out. The idle chitchat put me at ease. We ordered our burgers and ate them as we continued to talk. We all paid and left a tip for the cute waiter. Gabs was the last to leave the table. Maria and Chloe went to the bathroom, and I stood by the wall near the kitchen doors, awkwardly waiting for my friends.

Gabs was alone, taking one last sip of her soda before leaving the table. Jeff came by to pick up what remained of the dishes. I saw them talking but couldn’t make out the words. She smiled big and nodded. He wiped his hand on his apron and grabbed a pen from his pocket, handing it to her. She leaned over the table and wrote something on a piece of paper. He accepted it happily and shoved it into his back pocket. They stood there for a moment longer, lingering. She finally moved toward me but was quick to turn and wave at him. He smiled and returned to cleaning the table.

She was about to burst with joy, yet refused to say a word to me.

I looked past her to Jeff as he walked away with the dishes. “He asked for your number?”

Her smile was infectious. “Yes!”

Maria and Chloe joined us and saw how happy Gabs was. “You win the lottery?” Chloe asked, eyeing her like she’d gone batty.

“She’s boy crazy, is all. He wanted her number,” I said.

“And we missed this!” Chloe smacked Maria. “Why couldn’t you have gone to the bathroom alone?”