Page 55 of Don't Let Go

The day was coming fast when I finally snapped and told Paolo I was done. No more “sugar,” no more anything. I couldn’t takehis possessiveness anymore or his need to control me. I didn’t like his tongue trying to make its way down my throat or how he thought my job was to always make sure he was happy. The problem was when did I make my great escape?

Pushing my boyfriend to the back of my mind, I found my friends at our usual table. They liked to attend the games to fake cheer like maniacs and try to catch a player’s eye, no matter what team.

Once, Chloe caught the eye of a player from some Queen Creek school and he tripped over his big feet and did a face-plant on the floor. It was hilarious and also went viral with all the phones recording.

Part of me thought she was trying to live up to that. Nothing like it has happened since.

“What’s up?” I asked, sitting next to Chloe.

She flicked her hair over a shoulder dramatically and leaned in closer. “We’re plotting a world takeover. You want in?”

She didn’t blink. Her eyes stared right into my soul.

I chuckled nervously. “Sure. How are you planning on doing it?”

Chloe laughed like a mad scientist. “We’ll create an app that brainwashes people. Once enough of them are under our control, we’ll have them attack anyone not in our control. In a few months, we’ll rule.”

I nodded. “Not bad, but I see one issue.”

Chloe frowned. “What?”

“Who will create this app? None of us can put a computer back together, let alone design something like that.”

Maria laughed, gesturing with her soda can. “She has a point. I don’t know Photoshop, let alone how to do anything that extreme.”

Gabs nudged Maria with her shoulder. “That’s because you’re hopeless.”

Chloe exhaled, laying her head on her crossed arms. “My plan is a flop!”

We laughed at her, always one for a show. It’s surprising she’s not in drama.

She jumped up fast, startling all three of us. “Unless I charm a geek and get him to make the app. Plan B is on, girls. Just need that missing piece.”

I rolled my eyes. “Good luck with that plan. Once you own the world, I’ll be your chef.”

She giggled, putting an arm around my waist. “Girl, you’ll also do my makeup. I need to look my best as queen of the world.”

“Of course.” I stole a chip from Maria. “Can we get some real food? I hate playing on fumes.”

“We can get burgers,” Gabs answered a little too quickly.

Chloe laughed and wiggled her eyebrows. “You just want to flirt with the cute waiter there.”

“Oh?” This drew my interest.

Maria laid her head on Gabriela’s shoulder. “She loves him,” she said in a dreamy voice.

Gabs shrugged Maria off. “Stop it. I don’t love him. I only met him a couple of days ago. He has cute dimples, is all… and he smells nice, like an ocean breeze on a hot summer day.”

“Plus, you can’t help watching him walk away with that ass of his.” Chloe winked.

Gabs smacked Chloe’s wrist. “Lay off my waiter.”

Chloe raised her hands in surrender. “Hands off. I know, girl.”

I got up and walked over to Gabs. “Come on, then.” I grabbed her arm, yanking her up. “Now I need food and to see this hot waiter.”

Gabs dragged her feet as she followed us to the burger joint.