Page 50 of Don't Let Go

James laughed. “We should’ve warned you. That beer is for everyone elsebutus.”

I peered into my cup; about half was missing. “Oh?”

Did they poison it?

Christian took the cup, dumping what was left into a planter. “We get the good beer. Come on, we have it hidden in a bedroom in a cooler.”

Bryce nodded toward the front door. “Warning, Paolo is here.”

Sure enough, he was talking to some guys with Rory on his arm. He looked to be holding her too tight by the waist. Her lips pinched into a thin line. I wanted to step in, though it would only set him off.

Rory glanced at me with her sad eyes. I thought she was begging me to save her until her eyes moved away. She slipped on her mask for him, acting her part. I’d never understand why.

Bryce hit me upside the head. “Come on, man. The beer’s waitin’.”

I followed my newfound friends to the first and probably the only bedroom on the first floor. It was small, about ten-by-ten, with a twin bed and a dresser. James opened the closet and dragged out the blue cooler. He opened it and tossed a can of beer to everyone before taking one himself.

“Everyone gets that cheap crap. We get the best brand on ice,” Bryce said, kicking the cooler.

James raised his can, and the other two followed suit. All three stared at me until I did the same. “To the best season South Ridge has ever had!” We hit cans and downed our beers.

With a second beer in hand, we returned to the party. Bryce and Christian joined up with other friends and disappeared. James took a sip of his beer as he surveyed the crowd.

He motioned to the bodies dancing and grinding together in front of us with his beer. “This party any better than the ones back home?”

I cackled. “There’s beer, music, chicks, and drunks. Pretty much the same.”

“We just don’t have any good silverware to steal, right?” He laughed and shook his head. “Sorry, man. Bad joke.”

A smile cracked my lips despite myself. “You got me there.”

“I know we’re not your regular team you’ve had for years, but trust my guys.” He hit me on the back. “We can pull through. In the end, we want the same thing, right? To look good for the scouts and give our school bragging rights because it also gives us a leg up for college.”

I nodded. “Yes. All about the show.”

Some blonde waved at James. He straightened up and got a sinister grin on his face. “Gotta go. My girl needs me.”

“Sure. Have fun.”

He raised his can at me before hooking up with his girl.

Standing alone at a party. Never thought that would happen.

I took a swig of beer and observed the two guys playing beer pong in the back. They were drunk off their asses and couldn’t stop laughing, which made them miss every shot.

A hand grabbed me and pulled me back a good three feet.

“What the hell?” I took my arm back and glared at whoever dared yank me around like a doll.

Rory stood before me, eyeing the beer in my hand. “They allowed you one of their secret beers? You’re special now that you’re on the team, huh?”

“Yeah.” I raised an eyebrow. “How did you know I—”

“Paolo can’t shut up about it. I told you I’d learn either way.” She blew a piece of hair out of her face.

“How did you escape said douche? He looked like he had a hold of you and—”

“He can’t follow me to the bathroom. Well, I guess he could, but that’s not the point.” She stole my beer, taking a long sip before giving it back. “Not bad. Better than the crap they tried to pass as beer over there.”