Page 33 of Don't Let Go

“We’ve been investigating their cause of death, and at first, we thought it was the Russians.” The room filled with whispers. Mr. Dickson slammed his gavel, silencing them again. “Like I was saying, we believed it was the Russians since they’ve been moving to Phoenix in waves, but it has come to my attention that the culprit is closer to home than we thought.” Mr. Dickson motioned toward Big Joe to stand by him. I didn’t notice before, but Big Joe had someone handcuffed with a burlap bag over his head as they stood to the side in the dim lighting.

“Here we have Jacob R. Anderson.” Mr. Dickson motioned toward the man with the bag on his head. With a nod from Mr. Dickson, Big Joe took off the hood. Jacob squinted at us as his eyes got used to the lights.

Some people in the crowd whispered a couple of words, more confused than anything else.

Big Joe kept a firm hand on Jacob’s shoulder, making him wince in pain.

“Mr. Anderson here should look familiar.”

He did, but I couldn’t place him.

Mr. Dickson fixed his tie and continued, “He was Senator Winston’s public relations coordinator. Go ahead and tell us what you’re guilty of.”

Jacob gulped, licking his lips before saying, “I poisoned Sarah last year thinking with her gone the senator would be more in the family's pocket. But he grew suspicious of his wife’s death, and before he learned the truth I—” Jacob’s eyes felt like they were burning into me. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Paolo make a slicing motion over his throat.

The cold, dead look in Paolo’s eyes sent a shudder down my spine. Jacob wasn’t looking at me. He looked at Paolo for a clue as to what to say next.

“I—” Jacob said again, clearing his throat. “I poisoned him with the blowfish. He ordered a steak that night, and I ordered salmon, but I had hidden blowfish in the freezer. I dosed his steak with the toxin and switched his food once I knew he was deceased. That’s when I called 911 and acted like it was a horrible mistake.”

A few people in the audience grumbled and cursed under their breath. Killing someone isn’t unheard of in the mob, but doing it in cold blood is another story. Most look someone in the eye before taking their life.

“Excuse me,” a woman cut in. I knew it was my mamma with her you’re-in-trouble-tone. "You killed Sarah with Lily of the Valley if I remember her autopsy correctly.”

Jacob looked at his shoes. “Yes. I gave her small doses in her tea so her death appeared natural.”

Mamma walked closer to the podium. “I knew heart failure wasn't her COD. You paid off the pathologist to lie, didn't you?" Her tone grew more impatient. Jacob didn’t know who he was up against.

Jacob’s eyes slid over to Paolo before falling back to his feet. “Yes. I killed Sarah and then James on my own accord. I felt he was getting too close to knowing the truth about his wife and would become a problem.”

Mamma had her hands on her hips now. “You had no issue making their only son an orphan?”

Jacob remained quiet with his head hung low.

Tyler's papà was murdered at the hands of his staff. Was Tyler in danger? Would he bring trouble to our doorstep?

Mr. Dickson stared down his long nose at my mamma. “Thank you, Sofia. We’ll take care of Jacob here.” Mr. Dickson noddedtoward Big Joe, who put the bag back on Jacob’s head. “This meeting was to update you all about the senator. He might’ve been slow on what we wanted him to pass, but there wasn’t a need to kill him or his wife. Be advised to never take matters into your own hands. The only thing worse than being a rat is not following orders, do you understand?”

The crowd echoed in agreement.

Mr. Dickson nodded, happy with their answers. “Excellent. We’re finished here. Have a nice night.”

People stood. Their voices rushed into my ears like a roar of water. I felt like a rug was pulled out from under me. Both of Tyler’s parents were murdered, and he had no idea. Now, he was crashing with us. How could I look at him and not spill this? I saw the pain in his eyes about the loss of his papà. We both felt that pain.

Paolo took my hands and forced me up like I was some kind of life-size doll he could control. “Crazy shit going on, right?”

“Mmm-hmm,” was the only response I could manage in my state of shock.

Why did Jacob keep looking at Paolo as if he answered to him? How out of the loop was I?

Mamma came over to us, putting her hands on my shoulders. She opened her mouth to say something when Mr. Dickson came to join us. “Are you sure you want to keep Tyler under your roof? I could find someone else to—”

Mamma linked her arm with mine. “It’s fine. He’s already settled in. I’d hate to send him somewhere else after everything he’s been through already.”

Mr. Dickson nodded and then looked at me. “My, Aurora, how you’ve blossomed into a bella signorina.”

My mask of politeness slipped on with my fake-painted smile tugging my lips upward. “Thank you.”

“You and Paolo are a wonderful couple. I know Stefano loves seeing pictures of you two together.” He winked at me before excusing himself.