Page 2 of Burning Truths

My mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water, but I choose to keep quiet. He clasps it behind my head with a harsh yank, making the final adjustments and snapping a lock throughthe clasp ensuring it won’t come off without a key. Bound, starving, and now collared.

Ryker, I’ve never needed you more than I do now.

Lifting the remote up to my face, he bends down to inch closer, his rancid breath fans over my lips, our gazes clashing.

“I promised I wouldn’t hurt you again, but I will if you force me to. Be a good girl, and do what I tell you, and I’ll take good care of you.”

He closes the distance, pressing his mouth against mine in a harsh kiss that has my stomach rolling. The stench of his breath coats my skin, making my nose wrinkle in disgust and tears burn at the back of my eyes, yet I refuse to let them close. Keeping my stare on his face. I fight my own instincts that beg me to pull away. When he’s done getting his taste, I lean to the side, letting the acid flooding my mouth spill out onto the floor.

“You stuck up little bitch. You think you’re too good for me?” He grunts.

One hand yanks my head back, twisting my neck at an awkward angle while the other hand presses down on the remote, shooting electricity down my spine. My body locks into place unable to move, muscles spasming, my entire body on fire all at once. It’s not until my eyes roll that I realize that I’m soaked and sitting in my own piss.

“I’ll break you bitch. One way or another. Next time you’ll take whatever I give you with a smile on your face.” He turns and heads back to the door, the food in his bag long forgotten.

With his hand on the door knob, he looks at me over his shoulder, “Why don’t you sit there in your own filth for a while and maybe you’ll learn you’re no better than me.”

And then he’s gone and I’m still here. I’m still here and Cole is dead. I’m still here and my body is cold. I’m still here and Kenna is floating away into the abyss. I’m still here.

I’m still here. I’m here. Ryker I’m still here. I’m still here.

Chapter Two


“Open up, Princessa” A male voice breaks through the heavy blanket of fog.

I try to flex my fingers but my arms are numb from sitting in this position for so long. The pants I’ve been wearing for the last several days are crusted with sweat, blood, and piss. I’ve grown used to the stench floating around the room, but his lip curls slightly with his next breath. His long thin fingers dig into my cheeks when he starts to tip my head back, pressing a plastic bottle to my lips. Luke warm water spills down my throat easing the dry feeling in my mouth. He yanks the bottle away mid gulp causing the liquid to splash over my top drenching my chest in water.

“That’s enough.” He says, his voice coming out softer this time.

My eyes are almost too heavy to open, but when I manage to clear my vision his salt and pepper beard is just above my head. Clearing my throat, I open and close my mouth a few times to work my stiff jaw. Everything is stiff and sore, but I shove the pain to the back of my mind.

Looking up at him with soft eyes I try to work the words out of my throat, but it takes too long. By the time a small sound escapes he’s standing above me instead of kneeling.

“Ca-can I shower?” I ask, my gaze roaming around the room trying to judge if there is a functional bathroom in this dinghy rundown place.

He steps back to look over me, the heat of his stare making my skin crawl, but he must see something in my eyes. He runs his hand over his mouth, those sinister eyes studying me.

“The collar stays on.” He answers.

Nothing more, nothing less. He’s barely spoken to me since he first put the collar on me. Fuck, how long ago was that? I’ve refused his company which is why my throat is so sore. No food or water for three days will change so much about you. No amount of training could prepare you for being starved. My energy has depleted so low that my body feels like it’s floating and that has fear creeping up my spine. The worst thing I can do is lose control over my body while stuck here with this fucker.

He slowly moves behind me, the sound of his shoes the only noise in the vacant space. His calloused hands reaching out to grab mine. Tugging my arms further back, a yelp slips past my chapped lips.

He must lean down because his warm breath skates across my shoulder sending a shudder through me, “I’m sorry I hurt you, Princessa. You just made me so mad. I never wanted to hurt this perfect, beautiful, skin. Be a good girl for me and I’ll make you so happy.”

Each word that comes out his mouth makes it hard to hold back the tears threatening to fall. Swallowing back the bile that’s crept up I nod my head in agreement. I don’t plan on trying to escape right now. No, I need to build more energy, and that involves being on my best behavior so he’ll decide to feed me. If I’m going to get out of here or at least make it long enoughfor Ryker to come for me then I’ll need to control my smart-ass mouth.

My stomach churns when his lips press into the side of my neck, “That’s a good girl. You’re going to love the room I put together for us. I’ve been waiting so long for you.” He says, his voice cheerful.

The excitement in his tone makes me nervous, but I need to get out of this chair before the muscles in my arms are permanently damaged. My eyes slide closed for a second, but snap open when the rope around my wrist falls away leaving only the burn. When he moves away from me I use the space to bring my arms around so I can see how bad the damage is. I whimper when the blood rushes into my arms shooting pin needles over my flesh. Biting my lip hard enough to draw blood I flex my fingers while twisting my wrist.

A large hand skates over my messy hair, “Let me show you our room. I designed it just for you.”

My heart skips a beat when the wordsour roomfall from his lips. Inhaling a deep breath I push off the metal chair to stand but my legs wobble with the weight. I’m fucking exhausted and my thighs shake with the attempt to stand without help. Turning to Shadow, I give him a soft smile letting him drink in my reluctant submission. Calling him Shadow in my head keeps the betrayal from ripping me apart.

Extending my left arm with my palm up, “Help me?” I ask.