Page 12 of Burning Truths

“You bleed, I bleed.” Is all he says.

It’s a reminder that you cut one, you cut all. You betray one, you betray all. What you do to one of us, you do to all of us. That’s what we’re instilling here today.

“You bleed, I bleed.” G and I repeat at the same time.

“Trey, you bit the hand that fed you and now you owe a piece of you to us. I’m here to collect that. I’m leaving you with your life, minus a pound of flesh. Let this be a learning curve we avoid next time. Our family is not to be mistaken for weak. Our enemies may have pretty little lies, but the truth is in the crimson we spill today. In the same spot we lay our brother, a son, down to rest. Our pain is yours.” I lift the knife in a show that only my brother acknowledges.

G uses both hands to hold Trey’s head steady. Using my free hand, I pull the skin away and hold it tightly while I use the other to slice in one swift movement. Trey’s piercing scream shoots through the open space, but no one moves. No one breathes. And then Trey’s being dragged back to the SUV by G and one of his men, minus an ear.

Holding the only part left of Trey over my head, I hold the eyes of several town members. “You can’t hear shit if you don’t have an ear to put to the ground. Let this be a lesson on who you’re betraying. Addington, or Adler as some of you know him, has been brought to the foundation for us to handle. The one and only thing anyone should be focused on is finding Kenna Kingston.”

West has made it back up to me and Juliana remains in her place with wide eyes. Blood doesn’t bother her, but I’m guessing the name Addington wasn’t one she thought she’d hear. Which is why I made sure to use both. Turning back to the crowd, my stare catches on someone off near the treeline. Blue hair.

“I want Kenna Kingston delivered back to us in one piece by the end of the week or pieces of Del Mar will be scattered across the ocean floor.” I roar.

With those last words I walk off, leaving them in shock while Juliana heads to the limo with her tail tucked between her legs.

“That was quite the show.” Oakley quips.

She has a bright smile on her face. This woman loves a little torture. She’s leaning against a large oak tree with a tall man on her left and a small curvy female to her right. Oakley’s dressed in leathers, which is why we were warned about a little muscle rolling into town.

“Bout damn time you got here.” I snap.

I’ve used my last bit of patience for the day. She must see the darkness behind my eyes because she moves to West.

“West Stone, player by day, big dick daddy by night.” She winks.

The male beside her grumbles, dragging her into his side, but his small grin never leaves his face.

West being, well, West licks his lips and looks the guy up and down. Oakley takes the opening and introduces him as Havoc and the girl as Haven, his sister.

“If you need more skin for your collection all you have to do is ask, baby.” His words are gruff, but his stare is on Havoc not Oakley. West has always been comfortable in his own skin, so it doesn’t surprise me that he’d try this shit, but I don’t have time to break up a fight if one breaks out. Instead, Oakley pushes off the tree and steps into West's chest, looking up at him with a sly grin.

“When you learn how to fuck me like Havoc then give me a call, but until then, I have enough to fill any hole I want.” She leans up and kisses him on the edge of his jaw.

Havoc grunts before snatching her away and stalks off. Haven has her eyes glued to West, but he just flashes her hiscrooked smile, a wink, and follows behind Oakley. Haven lets out a sigh that isn’t meant for me to hear, so I pretend I don’t and move to follow the three fuckers up ahead.

“I’m not caught up on everything, but if you want us to find your woman, I’m your girl.” She sticks her hand out for me to shake and then walks with me back to the others where we load up and go back to the apartment. Ally better fucking be there or I may just let Oakley have a little fun.

Chapter Eight


15 years old


My fist clench at my side, “We should be protecting her.” I spit at my brothers.

Ryker stands motionless at the bay windows facing the wide front lawn while West leans against one of the walls scrolling on his phone. The small light shines on his face but his mask is in place. Neither of them flench at my outburst.

“Thisisus protecting her.” West says, not looking up from the screen.

His words don’t match the white knuckle grip he has on his phone. My shoes wear the carpet down with each pass I make through the large room. For a moment the screams stop and the silence echoes around us.

The cream colored carpet and white walls decorated in priceless artwork clash with the eerie feeling surrounding us. As if the expensive items around the room could cover the filthy feeling of betrayal coursing through me.

“No!” A girl wails, ice searing through my veins with the single word.