Page 51 of Deceitful Vows

Dr. Hemway was as close to family as I had in my adolescence.

I never thought he would betray me like this.

Mikhail’s low tone shifts my focus off my heartache. “There has to be hundreds of patients’ files here. You won’t find who you’re seeking without my help.”

“Who said I’m seeking anyone? Maybe I just want to ensure my imprint on society remains anonymous.”

I hate the sympathetic look he gives me. It is the same look I was given when the sole reason for my existence was removed from the table and I was overlooked time and time again.

That’s why I stupidly crave Andrik’s attention. I like that he picked me over anyone else—even his wife. Don’t get me wrong. I still feel guilty as hell. It was just nice to be picked first for a change instead of being disregarded like a broken toy.

Childish tears burn my eyes when Mikhail reminds me why I’ll never be first. “I saw your face drop when you realized his connection to Dr. Hemway.” Again, he doesn’t need to say Andrik’s name for me to know who he is referencing. “You know why he was here as well as I do.”

I hold out my hand, stopping him from coming any closer when an immature tear is close to rolling down my cheek. I should be used to rejection by now. It has been scalded in me since I was eleven. It just hurts being reminded why I was left to fend for myself at fifteen.

I had to do things no child should have to do to survive, yet my mother lived in a suburban mansion with a butler and half a dozen servants.

I doubt I would have seen adulthood if I hadn’t met Nikita and her family. They had nothing, yet they made me a part of their family as if their bank balances were garnished with millions of dollars.

The remembrance should end my search and see me returning to the town I now call home.

My mother articulated Aleena’s name without a single snarl, so to others, she is clearly not as “unfortunate” as me. It’s just my first two years on the streets that taught me even women draped in jewels can still be abused.

Angrily, I brush my cheek to make sure it isn’t wet before murmuring, “I need to make sure she wasn’t on his list.” I stop, breathe, then correct myself. “That she will never be on a list like that.”

“Who?” Mikhail asks a second before the truth dawns on him. “Your sister?”

My nod almost sends fresh tears streaming down my face. I hold them back. Just.

Mikhail works his jaw side to side as he contemplates. He wants to offer an easy solution. Since he can’t, he goes with honesty. “If she is on a list, you won’t find it here.” When I huff, he talks louder. “This is the first place men using this type of service would look to undercut the middleman. Dr. Hemway is a spineless leech, but Andrik wouldn’t have used him if he wasn’t smart.”

It takes everything I have not to defend Dr. Hemway. Don’t ask me why. I wouldn’t be able to give you an honest answer.

“So if you want answers, you need to go to the source of your anger. You need to confront…” His words are traded for a smile as he peers at someone over my shoulder. “You either have balls of steel or I gave your intellect more credit than it deserves.”

I crank my neck back so fast my muscles scream in disgust. Dr. Hemway is standing in the alcove of the storage room of Stoltz and Hemway. His nose is bloody, his top lip is cracked, and multiple bruises dot his face and torso. He looks like he’s been put through the wringer, but the only emotion I showcase when our eyes lock and hold is fury.

“Was she on his list?”

Dr. Hemway steps back like my question is loaded with more than anger. He looks set to dodge bullets. “What? I’d?—”

I cut him off with a roar the most unhinged man in the world would be proud of. “Was she on the approved list you gave your lastclientof the day yesterday?”

His eyes widen in shock. “He told you about that…assignment?”

“No. He didn’t need to.” I step closer to him. “The guilt on your face tells me everything I need to know.” I speak slower, breathing through every punctuated word that grows louder with each one delivered. “Was. My. Baby. Sister. On.His.List?” I almost say Aleena’s name. The only reason I don’t is because I don’t trust either of these men standing across from me. They trade women. That makes them no better than the scum I was forced to endure when I was kicked out of my home when I was still a child.

“No,” Dr. Hemway answers, weakening my frustration by a smidge. “As I told you yesterday, I haven’t seen her in years. Not since she…”

“Got your seal of approval?” I ask when his words trail off.

When silence is the only answer given, I’m seconds from discovering if he, like Andrik, also gets horny when struck.

His brief headshake saves his face from additional bruises by the skin of his teeth.

“I’ve kept her off their lists the same way I have you for years.”

I stare at him in shock, unmoving and unspeaking.