“My anger is not directed at the federation.” I have to work my following lie through a tight jaw. “It is from the remembrance I forgot to have them vet the future First Lady of our great nation.”
Arabella gleams over a title she willneversee.
I want our family name to return to what it was initially about. We’re gangsters, not political mongers who will do or say anything if it guarantees a vote.
I just can’t announce that until I ensure the procedure Arabella undertook last night won’t have me breaking the only promise I ever issued directly to my mother.
“If unvetted endorsements are the cause of your backflip, you have nothing to worry about.” Mrs. Sakharoff steps closer. “Arabella was reared for precisely this. She is well-educated, can cook and clean, and her political viewpoint will forever match yours.” She tugs her daughter forward, oblivious that her praise is weakening her confidence instead of expediting it. “She is also fertile.”
“Unlike the woman you spent the night with.” My grandfather’s chief of staff continues talking, drowning out the brutal snap of my back molars. “So enough with the unnecessary drama. The federation approves of your connubium. However, there are a handful of infractions we need to iron out…”
My grandfather rejoins the conversation. I don’t hear a word he speaks. I’m too busy plotting the demise of the leading players to listen to the demands given by faceless voices.
I knew they were watching me, but I had no clue it went this deep. Zoya’s fertility issues were only unearthed yesterday, so how the fuck does an organization with millions under its control know about them?
Dr. Hemway is my first guess.
He’ll be the first on my hitlist too if my theories stack up.
The rest of the insolent fools thinking I’m a puppet they can make dance on demand will soon follow.
I just need to unearth who they are first, which could be impossible without Arabella’s help.
Mikhail slices his hand through the air, wordlessly advising the waitress that we’re not ready to order yet, before he returns his eyes to me.
I’m not exactly sure how long I’ve been frozen with shock. I doubt it is close to minutes, but it feels like a lifetime.
My first response to Mikhail’s confession is anger. Then it simmers to redemption. I didn’t technically do anything wrong—all that weight belongs on Andrik’s shoulders—but I still feel like I need to defend myself.
“I didn’t know he was married.” I swallow the burn hitting the back of my throat before correcting myself. “That heismarried.”
Mikhail exhales deeply, grateful my shock has lifted enough for me to speak. “I know that. I just hope you know I was also unaware.” My brows furrow. Mercifully, he endeavors to eradicate my confusion without me needing to speak. “His nuptials are so recent that news about them only started circulating hoursafterI texted him to meet me at my penthouse. My message was delivered mere minutes after you left the bar with my keys.”
Even with my confusion as thick as a slab of concrete, his confession slithers through the hairline fractures several tedious minutes of drilling established. “You set us up?”
I don’t know whether to scoff in disbelief or anger when he bobs his chin.
“I knew he wouldn’t be able to help himself.”
“Am I meant to take that as a compliment?”
It takes everything I have to keep my hands balled in my napkin when he nods again. “You were good for him. He was different this morning. Happier. He was so fucking light on his feet he practically floated.”
“That probably has more to do with the fact he blew his load all over your sheets.” I’m a snarky bitch when I’m angry, and Mikhail is learning that the hard way. “More than once.”
When I leap to my feet and march to the front of the restaurant to fetch my coat, no longer hungry, Mikhail races to catch up with me. “Running won’t fix anything, Zoya.”
“What exactly am I meant to be fixing, Mikhail?”
If he says his brother’s infidelities, his left eye will be as shadowed by a bruise as his right.
I am startled by the first contender on his list. “You.” He loses me after that. “Him.” A hint of vulnerability dulls his bright eyes when he murmurs, “Me.” He wets his lips as I stuff my hands into my coat. “There’s more to his sudden wish to wed than he will ever let on, but I won’t find out what that is without your help. You are the first person to push Andrik off his life plan. You made him remember that he’s human.”