Page 32 of Deceitful Vows

Don’t ask if it is a good or bad tingle, as I won’t know how to answer you.

Mikhail’s floppy hair tickles his ears when he slants his head my way. “Will you be right for a tick? Lynx is being a demanding diva.”

I return Lynx’s wave from across the hotel foyer I’m praying Aleena will visit sometime today, before I nod in silent assurance to Mikhail that I’ll be fine on my own. I have been for the past twelve-plus years, so I’m sure a few more minutes will be no hard feat.

“It will give me the chance to call Keet,” I reply, hating that he seems hesitant.

I thought I displayed an air of confidence I wasn’t reared to have.

Mikhail has me wondering if it is a ruse.

“All right.” He nudges his head past the check-in counter. “You should probably head toward the back, though. Reception is shit near the bar.”

He’s preaching to the wrong person. I missed three calls and six text messages from Nikita yesterday while waiting for Aleena, which added a ton of worry she doesn’t need to her shoulders.

I wait until Mikhail is halfway across the foyer before heading in the opposite direction. I know Nikita’s number by heart, but since it is my most frequently called number, I hit her name at the top of my call list and then raise my phone in front of my face.

Nikita answers two seconds later. “You were half an hour from being featured on the side of a milk carton.”

I sigh, loving how much she loves me, but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t stir her. “Was it a paid gig? If so, I’ll call you back in an hour.”

Her laugh is lyrical gold—as is the question she asks next. “Is it pathetic to admit I already miss you like crazy?”

“Not at all. I’m extremely missable.”

The torn sheets she can’t afford to replace crinkle around her body when she rolls to project her voice away from the living room she shares with her grandparents. Their apartment is a one-bedroom dump, yet it is still ten times better than the place I call home.

“Gigi was extra talkative last night since she didn’t get to unload all her shenanigans on you.”

We giggle in sync when Gigi’s snarky tone rumbles through our phones. “I heard that.”

I lower my voice like my next lot of words are full of deceit. “I told you she isn’t deaf. She just pretends she is so we’ll talk freely around her.”

Nikita nods before she slips her hand under her cheek. She looks exhausted. That’s expected for any third-year surgical registrar. Her tiredness exceeds her counterparts since she works the equivalent of a full-time job on the side to stay one step behind her grandfather’s medical bills.

Yes, behind.

His medication costs more than her supervisor earns, but he will never be without it.

We will both make sure of that.

I just need to find a job so I can contribute.

Since that hasn’t been an easy task to cross off as I would have liked, I offer moral support instead. “How is Grampies today?”

Her love for the grandfather she was forced to share with me when we became friends shines brightly in her eyes when she smiles. “He’s having a good day. He misses you too.”

I sigh like a sentimental schmuck. “I’ll be home soon. I just figured while I’m here, why not give it one last shot?”

She knows who I’m talking about without me needing to spell it out. “You don’t have to convince me. Take all the time you need.” A spark of fear darts through her eyes. “Just be safe.”

“I always am.”

She spots my deceit from a mile out. Mercifully, I’m saved from explaining myself by Mikhail returning to my side.

“I need to go. Mikhail is here.” When I twist the phone screen to face Mikhail, he poses for the numerous screenshots Nikita takes. She isn’t storing them for future self-pleasing expeditions. She’s compiling evidence in case I go missing for real.

Further proof that her and Mikhail are too alike to ever be an item.