Perhaps it is knowing Ano accompanied me here? Even without photographic proof, I’m one hundred percent convinced Ano is Bayli. The timelines match, not to mention the lengths my mother will go to rid the people she deems unsuitable from her daughters’ lives.
I just don’t know how to break the news to either Aleena or Ano.
When the cause for Nikita’s weighed-down steps smack into me, I endeavor to lessen the load. I did a ton of cardio this morning. I don’t need more spasms hitting my midsection.
“My mother was only permitted to assign our middle names. She hated the names our father picked for us, so she encouraged us to use the names she selected for anything of importance. College admissions. Pageant shows. Pretty much anything that could result in it being used in print. I ditched her choice around the same time she ditched me.”
When the devastation in her voice makes my nose tingle, I hit her with a stern finger point. “Don’t. If you start, I’ll start, and then we will both be screwed.”
She bumps me with her hip. “Lucky our mascara is waterproof.”
“I wasn’t talking about makeup.” I stray my eyes to the side and then arch a brow like any of the heat from Maksim’s stare belongs to me. It doesn’t, but if a girl doesn’t occasionally stroke her ego, she may never build up the courage to give self-stimulation a go.
I am in such a severe sexual rut I’m convinced not even the most powerful sex toy will scratch the surface of my needs, but for some crazy reason, I’ve not given any of them the chance to shine.
My PG peck with Mikhail must have loosened a few screws in my head.
I’ve never felt more batshit crazy.
“Maksim will never hurt you,” Nikita says, her voice a purr. The cause of its throatiness is exposed when she murmurs, “Unless you hurt me. There are no guarantees then.”
“As there shouldn’t be.” I love how protective Maksim is of her and that she is slowly starting to accept that it is part of the package when you fall in love.
I’m thankful for the excuse to gag when Nikita asks, “So… what’s your middle name?”
I’d hate to be seen as a sentimental schmuck while in a room full of people who believe they can buy anything for the right price. The aroma in the air is rife with old money, and that stigma usually attracts reared-for-purpose brides.
It doubles my worry that Aleena is more under our mother’s thumb than she portrayed during her bachelorette weekend, but I won’t have a chance to check without enduring the tornado racing my way.
My mother has spotted my arrival, and despite being surrounded by powerful men vying for her attention, she doesn’t hide her disdain.
“Please excuse me,” she murmurs before making a beeline for me, standing frozen partway into the ballroom hosting Aleena’s rehearsal dinner.
I don’t want to make a scene. It will make my endeavor to speak to Aleena in a calm, understanding manner ten times harder, but I also refuse to be kicked out of the festivities again.
I was invited, goddamn it. It may have been by the means of a Post-it note, but Maksim and Nikita’s invitation was very much legitimate, and even if they wish for the opposite a minimum of once a day, we’re a unit. We’re on the same team.
As my mother’s hand shoots out for my arm, Nikita steps in front of me and thrusts out her hand in offering, dislodging my mother’s deathly grip before it can clamp on. “Mrs. Galdean, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person.”
The crowd’s huff is as loud as mine when my mother barges her out of the way. She just made a costly mistake. One Maksim will not take sitting down. He’s at Nikita’s side in an instant, and despite Nikita’s numerous assurances that she’s fine, he looks set to kill my mother where she stands.
I should feel panicked.
I don’t.
It is impossible to love someone who has never loved you. That’s why I struggle to understand Andrik’s suddenly cold demeanor. If he was honest about needing to stay discreet for Zakhar’s sake, I would have given discretion a whirl.
After a final silent plea for leniency, Nikita introduces Maksim to my mother. She emphasizes her parental title, hopeful it will calm Maksim enough for him to see sense through the madness.
“She has been out of contact with her daughter for some time, so in her eagerness for them to reacquaint, sheaccidentallybumped into me.” Nikita twists back around to face my mother. “Isn’t that correct, Dina?”
My mother is as smart as she is beautiful. “Yes. I’m so sorry, dear. I didn’t realize how close you were standing to my darling offspring. It will not happen again.”
Maksim doesn’t believe her, but since he would rather appease his wife than pry the truth from a woman unworthy of his time, he mutters, “Ensure it doesn’t.” His glare speaks the words he can’t say since he promised no more carnage only weeks ago.Or the next bullet I release will be earmarked for your head.
Confident his message was read loud and clear, Maksim finalizes our guide into the rehearsal dinner. Yes,ourwalk. He didn’t lie when he said I am forever in his debt. He looks out for me as much as he does Nikita.