Page 135 of Deceitful Vows

I melt into her embrace when she hugs me before I shadow her walk to the door.

I stare at it for a few moments to gather my bearings. Something feels off with Aleena’s story, though I can’t quite pinpoint what it is.

It doesn’t help that my usually stealth detective skills are lagging this morning. I barely slept last night. It wasn’t solely Nikita’s abrupt nuptials keeping me awake but also the promise of a man I shouldn’t have fallen in love with but have.

I waited up for Andrik as asked.

He never arrived.

I stop staring into space when the creak of a door opening trickles into my ears. Maksim exits Nikita’s room looking more disheveled than he did last night. Her memory loss is worrying him as much as it is me.

“I have a handful of matters I need to take care of.” When I nod, he continues. “There are two guards stationed at the end of the hall, and my security personnel were briefed this morning. She is safe here, though I would appreciate if you would encourage her to stay on the hotel grounds.”

“Most of our activities today are here.”

Like all dominant men, he only hears what he wants to hear. “Most?”

“I booked us a spa day at a salon in town. No offense but the prices here are outrageous.”

He smirks, amused by my honesty, but remains firm on his orders. “I will have Slatvena cancel the appointment.”

“Every girl knows the best cure for a hangover is a spa day. If you want her memories back sooner rather than later, let the appointment stand.”

Maksim doesn’t seem the type to compromise, though I am delighted when he does. “I will organize for my team to come here.” My lips barely move before he gives them no reason to. “At the hotel’s expense.”

“That would be wonderful. Thank you.”

He eyes me for a nanosecond before muttering, “But?”

“But…” He isn’t a fan of delayed gratification. “The spa day was in preparation for a DJ gig we were planning to attend tonight. I don’t see DJ Rourke willing to do a home visit like your spa techs.”

He gives me a look as if to say,Don’t bet on it,before he pulls out his phone. “What time is the gig?”


He scrolls an overloaded planner on his phone while humming before he says, “That could work. I’ll organize security.”

My mood perks up. “Great. Thanks.”

“But.” He isn’t asking a question this time. He’s about to hit me with a statement. “Nikita won’t be able to leave this room withthathanging over your head.” He nudges his head to the duffle bag I was unable to hand back last night since Andrik failed to show up. “It will be harder to maintain her safety when there are too many variables at play.”

“I understand. I just…” Again, morals break through pathetic excuses. “Andrik didn’t show up last night, and I don’t have a way to contact him.”

Maksim almost looks sympathetic.


“My offer is still open. I am more than happy to return it to him.”

I stray my eyes to Nikita’s bedroom door for the quickest second before recognizing the cause of the commotion outside the suite’s door. Aleena and her bridesmaids are giddy with excitement about our day, and it reminds me of what this weekend is meant to be about.

“Okay. But on one condition.”

He no longer looks sympathetic.

Murderous is more suitable for his scowl.

“Can we keep this between us? I will tell Nikita when the time is right, but I don’t want Aleena finding out about it just yet.”