My little brother, Mikhail.
His shirtless torso is leaning on the overhead cupboard in his industrial-sized kitchen, and he’s nursing a mug of freshly brewed coffee.
I don’t need to ask if he knows I used his bachelor pad for the very reason he purchased it. I felt his beady eyes on me seconds after he engaged the alarm on his prototype motorcycle.
The first emotion he portrayed when he learned his bed was warming two bodies instead of one was smugness.
It was quickly followed by annoyance.
I thought it was because he believed his sheets were smeared with the cum of the woman he left kneeling for hours on end to test her obedience, but learn otherwise when he nudges his head to a wad of envelopes on the kitchen island.
“They were delivered to the hotel this morning. Figured you must have been here since you failed to show up at the bar last night.”
He folds his arms over his chest, doubling my smirk. Intimidation is not Mikhail’s forte. He can charm the panties off any lady he wants, but he’s shit at staining the briefs of our competitors. It’s why he sticks to the operation and maintenance side of our company’s extensive real estate portfolio.
I’m the muscleandthe brains.
“What the fuck are you doing treating my crash pad like a brothel,brother?” He spits out his last word like we won’t have words about it later. I don’t tolerate disrespect from anyone…except from perhaps her.
“You told her she had free range.” I fan my hands out like the pompous prick my mother’s disappearance caused me to become. “I took full advantage.”
I laugh when my reply angers him enough that he grips the lapels of my suit and pulls me to within an inch of his face.
He can be angry all he likes. He knows as well as I do that Zoya wasn’t interested in what he was offering.
I combed over the footage of their first andonlymeeting for hours this morning.
The truth never wavered.
Mikhail invited Zoya here because he knew I wouldn’t be able to resist, so he has no right to be angry that I actedexactlyas predicted.
When I say that to him, he loosens his grip before pushing me back with enough force that I crash into the island.
As I glare at him, I straighten my suit jacket while striving to fight the urge to settle our disagreement with my fists. It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve come to blows. Doubt it would be the last.
“When did you realize she was who I was seeking?”
I called Mikhail during my drive to the Sakharoff residence. I wanted to know if Zoya was local, and if she was, how the fuck did she fly under the radar for so long? I haven’t classed Chelabini as my hometown for years, but my family is well-known here. My call went to voicemail. The interrogation I hit his voicemail with, however, remained on point.
I smirk when he answers, “You wear desperate as obviously as every other man.” He places his mug into the sink before spinning to face me. “But I guess that’s over with now? You never hang around long after the deed. I was surprised to find you still here this morning.” His expression doesn’t match his tone. He looks cocky but sounds uneased.
“Perhaps,” I shockingly reply.
I’m usually out the door before my cum has cooled in the condom I knot and take with me, so perhaps Mikhail is right. Maybe something is off-kilter with me, but sitting around and talking about it is the equivalent of sawing off my cock and handing it to my competitor’s wife instead of fucking her with it as well as I plan to fuck over her husband—lackluster and pointless.
Mikhail doesn’t feel the same way.
“Perhaps?” His voice is loud enough to wake half the continent. “What do you meanperhaps?” His eyes widen as his mouth gapes. “You’re still going through withthat?” He nudges his head to the wad of envelopes Dr. Hemway must have delivered before the sparrows woke when he spits out the last word. He must read something on my face I didn’t mean to express. “Are you fucking insane? You got the cream of the crop and enough chemistry to rival an atom bomb, but you’re going to toss it aside for a spineless???????born solely for procreation?”
Now it’s my turn to pin him to the kitchen cabinet. I don’t give a fuck what he calls the women bred to line their parents’ pockets with money. It is his mention of the sparks firing between Zoya and me that I pay the most attention to.
I tighten my grip around his throat before leaning in close enough for my spit to sizzle on his red cheeks. “You better not have seen a single snippet of her skin or not even your last name will save you.”
Mikhail likes to fuck. When he’s not fucking, he likes watching other people fuck. He has all his favorite possessions wired up with surveillance for that exact purpose. My cock was just too fucking obsessed with how good Zoya smelled to remember that last night.
It still is.
“I didn’t see shit. I turned off all surveillance when she slapped you.” It is not the time for my cock to twitch. It can’t be helped. Zoya’s gall is one of her sexiest assets, not that I will ever tell her that. “But I saw enough to know you’re a fool if you think you can replace her with one of those…robots.”