I wonder if she would be as upset when all the truths of that week are exposed?
I’m close to telling her. I can’t live with the torment for much longer. But first, I need to visit my old hometown.
My son was interrogated without a parent present.
That warrants punishment, and I’m the judge, jury, and executioner when it comes to punishing the insolent fools who hurt the people I love.
And perhaps their caretaker. “Make sure she eats today.” Zoya skipped both dinner last night and breakfast this morning.
After waiting for Anoushka to agree to my request, I add another task onto Konstantine’s never-ending list. “And find out who doctored the footage.”
Although Zakhar can’t be monitored twenty-four-seven by Konstantine, there’s meant to be someone watching his feed day and night. I have a hunch of who might have coerced the security personnel from their post for a minute or two, but I’m not as trusting of my intuition as I once was, so I’d rather Konstantine check. He is one of only a few people I trust right now.
“Who do you want me to forward my findings to?”
Konstantine’s question stumps me until I turn to face him. He knows I wouldn’t have anyone to take my anger out on if it hadn’t been for Zoya, so he believes she should get some credit for her finding.
Since I don’t disagree with him, I nod, wordlessly approving his suggestion.
Idunk my head under a heavy flow of water, willing myself to pull up my big girl panties and handle my mistakes myself for the third day in a row. It isn’t Nikita’s job to continually bandage my boo-boos. And it isn’t her husband’s either. I objected at Aleena’s wedding before running the ruse that I’m pregnant, so I need to suffer the consequences of my actions.
It isn’t like I have long. Andrik said yesterday that the annulment will be processed within a week. Then I’ll be as free as a bird—and most likely still unable to take the edge off without Andrik’s involvement.
After swallowing enough water to drown my wish to squeal, I poke my head out of the heavy flow of water. The wetness clinging to my lashes reminds me that I don’t need to carry this burden alone. I objected, but I was coerced into making that decision. Ano is as much a part of this as I am, and he doesn’t have my number blocked like Aleena does.
He won’t be able to help me with the itch I haven’t been able to ignore since Andrik’s spanking, but he can offer some comical relief to my overstressed head.
I tried to call Aleena a dozen times today, and over a hundred yesterday when the man in the background of every scene of late announced who lured the security officers out of their nook with a damsel-in-distress routine a Disney princess would be proud of so our mother could interrogate Zakhar.
I’m not angry at Aleena’s tactics. She’s been under our mother’s thumb for seven years longer than I had to endure, and she can make Stockholm syndrome seem endearing. I just wish there was a way I could get her to listen to me without involving Nikita’s husband.
Kidnap is not above me when it comes to keeping my promises.
Murder may not even be.
The email I sent last night after unearthing the footage of Aleena on her knees in front of Andrik is proof of this. It made it seem as if money is the answer to everything, but the guilt it is bombarding me with now is horrendous.
Morals have me wanting to say I’m striving to get Zakhar a new heart because he deserves one—no child should endure what he has the past twelve months—but in reality, it is because I don’t want Andrik to use Zakhar’s health battles to excuse his rollercoaster moods.
I need him to be honest and upfront.
He can’t do that with his son’s sickness hanging over his head.
I went about it the wrong way, though. Not just for Andrik and his family, but Nikita as well. The email I sent went to someone high up at the hospital where she is undertaking her residency. I don’t think she has a clue the board at Myasnikov Private is letting people buy their way to the top of the organ donor list.
She wouldn’t work there if that were the case, and she would be looking into the donation of her mother’s organs more studiously. It occurred under the name of the doctor I emailed last night.
Needing to make things right, I switch off the faucet, wrap a towel around my body, and then enter the main part of my room. I veer my steps for the drawers closest to the door, mindful I dumped my phone there after exchanging numbers with Konstantine.
“If you ever feel the need to hack my security system again, I’d rather you go through me than my competitors,” he said while punching his number into my cell. “We all have to eat.” He laughed like his paycheck is more important to him than Andrik. He’s a terrible liar. “Even her,” he murmured while handing me a tablet frozen on a grainy image timestamped after the footage I’d stumbled onto yesterday.
Aleena left Andrik’s room with red cheeks and glossy, dilated eyes. I know her well enough to decipher what her expression meant.
She hadn’t been bedded by a god.