With a sob, she falls to her knees and drags in big breaths that are sharply redrawn when I say, “Uninvite her to the wedding. I don’t care how you do it, but I want it donetonight.”
Her words are husky when she asks, “You still want to go ahead with it?”
It is a challenge, but I nod. “I don’t have a choice.”
Confident she won’t dare second-guess my authority, I exit the elevator on the next floor, bumping into one of Maksim’s paid goons on my way out.
“Hey…” I swivel on the spot, never more nervous. “I was just on my way to see you. Are you coming or going?”
Aleena sounds as nervous as I feel. “Ah… a little bit of both.” She points to a door that leads to the rooftop. “I needed some fresh air, but I didn’t want to go all the way down to the lobby, so I thought I’d go up a couple of floors instead.” She peers at the door I tore through five seconds after building the courage to confront her. “Did I wake you?”
“No. Not at all. I was awake.”For reasons I don’t want to tell you.
After gripping her hand in mine, I lead her to one of those fancy armchairs that almost looks too regal to sit on. They’re more to glam up the boring hallways than for seating purposes.
“I really need to tell you something, and unfortunately, it can’t wait. I?—”
“Kazimir told me everything.”
My mouth gapes and I choke on a breath that was clearing some of the butterflies in my stomach. “He did?”
She wets her lips and nods. “Uh-huh.”
He couldn’t have told her everything. There’s no way. Who in their right mind would be this calm if they found out their fiancé was sleeping with their sister?
My eyes dance between Aleena’s when she adds, “And I’ve forgiven him.”
Now I’m convinced she doesn’t know the whole story, but I lose the chance to tell her when she blindsides me with a shocking revelation.
“It is the right thing to do. I don’t want my child raised without a father being a part of the picture.”
Sheer shock colors my tone. “You’re pregnant?”
I balk when she nods. “It’s early, but I’ve known for a couple of weeks.” As she fans her hand over her stomach, a mothering glint sparks in her eyes. “The timing is a little off, but I truly believe this miracle happened for a reason, and I would like you to respect my decision to give my child the best upbringing I can.”
I hate myself the instant my words leave my mouth, but I can’t stop myself. “His contract was never about love, Aleena. Having his child won’t make him love you.”
“I know,” she replies, nodding. “And that’s okay. I will love the baby enough for both of us.”
“This is my decision andmychild. I will not have you ruin this for me.” She shoots up to her feet, her footing wobbly. “If you can’t support me, maybe you shouldn’t come to the wedding.” Tears gloss her eyes when she murmurs, “It was bad enough witnessing him fawn over you in the driveway ofourhome. I won’t tolerate it in front of ourfamily and friends.”
A hundred thoughts roll through my head as she makes a beeline for the elevator, but only one makes it through the deluge. “If you knew about us, why let me be a part of your bachelorette party?”
Her shoulders rise and fall three times before she cranks her neck back to face me. “I was hoping if you saw how much I loved him that you’d walk away. That you would let me win for once.” There’s a hint of deceit in her tone until she says, “That you’d finally let me be free ofher.” She doesn’t need to say our mother’s name for me to know who she is referring to. “I need this, Zoya, and if you’ve ever loved me, you will let me have it.” A knife stabs my chest when she whispers, “You will let me have him.”
“Okay,” I murmur in defeat, certain my heart is breaking into too many pieces to ever be placed back together. I am not solely devastated about the pure hurt in her eyes. I’m distraught at the thought of Andrik being a part of my life even with him never actually being mine.
I don’t know if I am strong enough for that, but for my baby sister, I will try.
Aleena softly smiles in gratitude before she recommences her slow stalk down the hall. When she enters the elevator, I assume I am free to release the tears my eyes are struggling to hold back.
I’m horribly mistaken.