Page 126 of Deceitful Vows

As suspected, a manilla folder sits on my coffee table. Its slide exposes numerous surveillance images of Zoya and me. The top of the stack is me dragging Zoya out of the backstage area of the bikini competition.

There’s disappointment in his tone when he says, “Your wife has undergone in-vitro fertilization?—”

“Which has been unsuccessful,” I interrupt, like Arabella’s failings aren’t my fault. “Hence me looking elsewhere.” I hand him his vodka, then sit across from him. “I did not know of Zakhar’s existence at the time, so I still believed time wasn’t in my favor.”

He nods as if he believes my lies before sipping on his drink. Once his mouth is tingling with the effects of alcohol, he scrapes his rheumy hand across his lips.

“If your wife is not with child, now is the ideal time for you to choose who you want to move forward with your plans. We cannot have another incident like the one we had with your mother. The public wants a love story, not…”—he rolls his hand through the air like he can’t think of the word before he eventually settles on—“pornography.”

I stare at him in disbelief. He’s making it seem as if I can choose whom I wish to marry. That it isn’t the federation’s choice.

With my surprise too high for me to discount, I blurt out, “Zoya has not been vetted by the federation.”

Air whizzes from his nose. “And yet you continue to place her above your wife.” His eyes flick up like he knows which room is Zakhar’s. “And perhaps even your son. I would say the vetting has already been done.”

I want to call him a liar before spitting at his feet, but I can’t. I put Zakhar’s life at risk because I couldn’t stand the thought of anyone seeing Zoya in a bikini. I fucked up, though I honestly can’t say I wouldn’t do it again if placed in the same predicament. It makes me a horrible father, but cut me some slack. I was thrust into fatherhood without the months of lead-up most men get. I’m still learning. I will make mistakes, just not all of them will be unfixable.

My grandfather freezes with his glass halfway to his lips when I say, “Zakhar is sick. He needs a new heart.” My jaw tightens to the point of cracking. “A heart he is being denied because I am choosing love over a political campaigner’s idea of an ideal First Lady.”

“No,” he denies. “They want you to wed. They don’t care to whom. Women can be trained to be anything. Your mother?—”

“Was forced out because she reached her expiration date.”

I’m not the only one shocked by my outburst. I am usually more controlled. As in command as my grandfather when he ends our conversation with the dignity of a political powerhouse. “You have much to learn. I look forward to teaching you.” He stands before signaling for Anoushka to fetch his coat. “But not until Zakhar can learn the same lessons.”

When he holds out his arms again, I’m not as stingy with my farewell as I was with my greeting. His reply is a roundabout way of saying Zakhar will get the help he needs because he will make sure of it.

While returning my cheek kiss, he whispers in my ear, “Marry who you want but make your decision now. I will not allow our legacy to continue being stained with matrimonial travesties.” He inches back before saying a quote I haven’t heard in decades. “When you make a promise, you keep it. Don’t you, Andrik?”



My body is already relishing in the delight of multiple orgasms, but my heart experiences a similar sort of sensation when my eyes slowly flutter open. I’m still on the double sun lounger, but instead of a bikini caressing my skin, a velvet blanket is keeping me warm from the elements, and there is a large glass of orange juice on the side table.

This time, it comes with a note.

I didn’t have enough time to answer all the whims you hit me with during your almost comatose state, so I let you sleep. You won’t be so lucky tonight.

Wait up for me.

A xx

I grin like a loon while popping two of the pain medication tablets into my palm and swallowing them with the orange juice.

I’m in such a state of euphoria, my heart believes Andrik ordered pulp-less juice this time around because he knows how much I hate the ghastly chunks sliding down my throat. It makes the juice so much more refreshing, and I polish off the entire glass without coming up for air.

Today was magical.

It started with jealousy, and it ended with a heap of mutual understanding and respect.

Zakhar is Andrik’s son, but he was as blindsided by his existence as I was when I called Mikhail to demand he speak with his father.

I wish I could say I don’t understand how hard that confession hit Andrik. Having a child in the world and not knowing of their existence is a torment no person should endure, let alone someone who will remain childless.

I’m pulled from the dark thoughts of my past when shouted voices break through the cabana walls. I recognize them both, though I wish I only knew one. Mikhail is arguing with his father, and since it sounds like their voices are projecting from right outside the cabana’s entrance, I think I know why.

It is cowardly of me to dress in the clothes Andrik left with his note and orange juice and sneak out, but this weekend isn’t meant to be about me. I’m in the Trudny District for my baby sister and my best friend. It is time for me to stop being selfish.