“What's wrong?” Haylee turns immediately as I rub my eyes, totally forgetting that I had drinks scheduled with Logan tonight.
“I forgot about a catchup with my friend, Logan, at the bar down the street,” I say, feeling like shit.
“Well, is he still at the bar? We can go down now if he is still there?” she offers, and after thinking it over for a moment, I text him back. His response is swift.
“He is. Are you ready now? Are you sure you want to go?” I ask. My preference would be to curl up with my girl, have her arching her back and screaming my name, but I have put Logan off for weeks, and I know he will get pissy if I don’t see him soon. If she were to tell me she didn’t want to go, he’d just have to deal with it, though.
“Of course! Let’s go now, and we can come back and curl up together later,” she says, putting me at ease. We walk out, and I mentally promise to have her screaming my name at least two times tonight before we’re curling up together.
Dan is waiting for us, and we jump in the car and are at the bar in ten minutes. It’s busy, as lots of people have stayed out after work, the streets packed with tourists, the festive cheer well and truly in full swing now that there is only a week or so left until Christmas. It is a great time to be in New York. The windows along Fifth Avenue sparkle, featuring an array of festive colors and creations. There really is magic in the air, and I can’t help but smile. Life feels good.
I don’t know what it is, but everything seems more vibrant than before. We have been holed up in each other for what feels like weeks, barely seeing the outside world, especially after our quick trip to the Hamptons. Today is the first day I have been back in the shop, and my muscles are a little sore from lifting all the boxes of toys we had delivered, already wrapping and sorting them into age groups to prepare for the Jackson Enterprises holiday party.
As we make our way through the crowded bar, Alex holds my hand tight, and I follow him closely as we single file through the venue. The media are still following us, and I am grateful that this place has good security at the door. Although, I think I saw a few of Alex’s team following us, something he must have organized.
Alex has been increasingly protective since the incident with Jaryd. It’s both nice to have someone who is looking out for me, when my previous relationship was nothing like this, but also scary, because it’s almost like I am waiting. Waiting for something terrible to happen.
“Sorry, I got caught up,” Alex says a little stiffly as he shakes the hand of who I assume is Logan. We are at the back of the bar, hidden away in a dark corner.
“It isn’t like you to be late,” Logan says, and I step out from behind Alex, my smile wide, excited to meet him.
“This is my fiancée, Haylee,” Alex introduces me, his hand finding the small of my back as I put my hand out.
“Hi, Logan, so great to meet you,” I say, feeling chirpy. How could I not? Alex got me a tree. A real-life Christmas tree that is as tall as his ceiling, and it took hours to decorate. He had the fire lit, the music playing, and he was right, even Mother Nature came to the party with snow tonight.
“Haylee?” He says my name like it is a complete surprise.
“Shit, was this a boys' night? Did I totally screw up boys' night?” I ask, brow pinched as I look up at Alex. Given the sour look on Logan’s face, that must be it.
“No, Sunflower, you’re fine. One more is not an issue.” Alex nods to the barmaid, who is quick on the drink orders, and we all take a seat. Logan sits on one side, Alex and I the other, in a small booth that provides privacy, making it is a little easier to hear each other.
“So, how long have you two known each other?” I ask, settling in and making small talk, because Logan still looks like a rat shit in his mouth, and Alex is now preoccupied with his cell, something obviously catching his eye from work.
“Years. The two of us went to college together,” Logan says, leaning back against the leather seat of the booth. He puts his arms up, stretching them across the back of the booth, taking up all of the room on his side, and I bite the inside of my mouth. I’ve seen this before. Manspreading, I think they call it. When a man takes up too much room, making himself bigger than he already is. Their attempt at being intimidating.
“So, do you work in property development too?”
“No.” Logan chuckles, swirling his glass of whiskey before throwing it back and indicating to the bar staff for another. I am not sure how many he has had, but by the look of him, I’d say a few.
“Sorry, I just need to make a quick call,” Alex says, looking at me remorsefully before pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I’ll just be a minute; it’s my guy in Singapore.” Standing, he walks away, and I lose him among the crowd.
“So, you are who he found for the agreement?” Logan asks, sipping another whiskey, and I still. My heart thumps, my throat immediately drying as fear creeps up my chest.
“I am not sure what you mean?” I say, acting dumb. I fidget in my seat, feeling uncomfortable. The music is loud, but so is he, and any number of people could hear this conversation. Knowing Alex told his best friend about this situation, yet didn’t give me a heads-up, makes me feel even worse. He said only Sheridan and Laurent knew. Hell, he didn’t even want my own sister to know initially.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, your secret is safe with me.” Winking, he smirks, looking happy as a pig in shit to see how clearly uneasy I am. I shiver, getting a bad feeling. I’m generally not a woo-woo type of person, but my skin is tingling from being alone with this guy, almost like my fight-or-flight is starting to kick in. “But…” he continues, letting his words sit between us before I bite.
“But what?” I look around for Alex but can’t spot him. Holding on tightly to my handbag on my lap, I wonder if I should dig out my cell and call Alex, but I am a big girl. I can handle it. I’m more concerned he didn’t tell me that he confided in Logan, and now my mind is racing about what else he’s kept from me. The feeling I had earlier of us being together and on one team starts to dissipate. The familiar failure at choosing a man who could love me starts to build and my confidence wanes. Maybe love just isn’t meant for a girl like me, after all.
“Well, I'm just wondering how much he is paying you, because I might need your services,” he says, and I think my soul leaves my body.
“Services?” I ask, feeling sick in my stomach.
“Well, I am taking over the family law firm. I need to keep up appearances. When Alex is finished with you, I might use you for my own purposes. Are you fucking him, or is that extra?”