“Yeah, it’s a game the kids play at the store all the time. Catch me if you can!” she yells as she starts to sprint. I move quickly. The hard, wet sand provides little resistance as I stride and chase her, her laughter coating me in pure joy. I catch up to her quickly, and I reach out and grab her hand. She squeals as I wrap her up in my embrace, kissing her all over her face, the two of us panting and laughing like schoolkids.
“No fair, you caught me!” she says, laughing.
“Oh, Sunflower, I’ve told you that I will always catch you,” I tell her. She smiles, wrapping her arms around me, and I pull her tightly to my chest. The two of us stand together on the shore, the waves crashing nearby, as the fresh air and meditative sounds of the ocean roll through us, then we walk back together, feeling even more connected and content.
Iwalk out to the enclosed sunroom at the back, the sun long gone, the stars bright in a clear, cold night sky.
“You’ve been out here for a while. Penny for your thoughts?” I ask as I walk through the door, holding my glass of red, to see Alex sitting on the soft lounge, swirling his. It is freezing outside, but this room is heated, so even though it feels like we are outside, given the floor-to-ceiling glass, we are warm and relaxed.
We have had a nice few days. Sleeping, eating, walking on the beach. Keeping to ourselves and learning more about each other in the only privacy we now know. There are media camped out at the gate, but the seclusion of this house gives us ample space to use without being seen, so I almost forgot all about them.
“Come here,” he says, beckoning me over, and I smile as he takes my hand and pulls me to sit on his knees. “That’s better.” Kissing me quickly, I lean back, getting comfortable with my head resting on his shoulder.
“This is cozy.” I’m nearly purring at how good it feels to be in his arms, watching the flames of the outdoor fire dance around, hearing the water break on the beach, yet not able to clearly see it. It is almost meditative.
“The last of the peace we’ll have for a little while,” he says, sipping his wine.
“Can we come back?” I ask, already loving it here. The different pace, the calm environment, the way he is out of the city, totally attentive and in the moment.
“Yeah. We can, Sunflower. Anytime you want.”
I smile, feeling like the princess who’s secured her Prince Charming. His diamond still sits on my hand. I haven’t removed it, haven’t even thought about taking it off.
“Do we have to even leave?” I moan jokingly, knowing of course we do.
“We have the holiday party next week. But I can confirm the legal documents of our agreement are now shredded. Laurent and Sheridan have been briefed,” he says professionally.
“The outcome?” I question, holding in a giggle.
“Us. The real deal.” He smirks.
“Hmmm… I spoke with Jillian. She is up-to-date on everything too,” I tell him, thinking about our situation.
“How did she take it?” he asks, and I get the feeling he is a little unsure about my sister. She’s super protective, so she’s probably threatened to kill him if he hurts me or something.
“She wants to know if we’re good for babysitting next Saturday night?” I tell him, rolling my lips to hold back a smile as I give him my most innocent eyes, and he laughs.
“I would love that. They seem like good kids,” he says, and my smile widens even further. I thought he would cringe, go pale, and make an excuse. He never seemed to gel with kids whenever he came into the shop. But I smile, realizing the change in him now. He is happy to be involved with family and kids, happy to be with me.
“Are you being serious?”
“Sure. I mean, I have no idea what to do with kids, but you will be there,” he says, giving my side a tickle, and I’m the one laughing now. Clearly, he will just follow my lead.
“Apparently, Charlie wants shiny shoes for Christmas,” I say, sipping my wine, having no idea what that is all about.
“Do you know why?” Alex asks.
“No idea. He is now fascinated with them,” I tell him, looking off into the distance. “Jillian got Deloris all discharged and has set her up in a nice, smaller shelter back in Jersey. She is happier, although still looking for her dicks.”
Alex almost laughs, but with a mouthful of wine, he refrains. His cell rings then, as it has the entire time we’ve been here. I’m slowly appreciating the demands placed on him more and more.
“It’s just my friend Logan,” he says, ignoring the call.
“I’d like to meet him one day. Maybe he can fill me in on all your dark skeletons,” I tease, looking forward to meeting the people Alex associates with.