“Who is that?” I ask her, turning back to face her.
“My ex,” she says as she swallows, clearly uncomfortable. I pause, not expecting that, and look back at him once more. He isn’t familiar and the way he presents himself, the way he moves around, indicates he’s a climber. New money, maybe. Too small to play in my game, but appears semi successful, nonetheless.
“When did you break up?” I ask, my stomach whirling. The jealousy that flows through my body almost instantly is new. An emotion I am not entirely sure how to deal with.
“About six months ago, after he almost broke my jaw,” she says quietly, and I still, my whole body tensing as my ears ring.
“What?” I ask, voice deepening, praying that I didn’t hear her correctly.
“Can we please go?” she asks, a little timidly, which is worlds different from her usual sassy personality. I don’t like it, not one bit. Lifting her napkin, she sets it beside her plate, indicating she is done.
“Go? No, that fucker can go,” I say, heating from the inside out with anger. Standing, I throw my napkin on my plate. Hands clenching, my jaw ticks. That fucking asshole hit her.
“Where are you going?” she whispers, grabbing my hand to get me to sit back down as the people at the tables nearest look at us.
“I’m going over to talk with him,” I state, standing tall. I might just breakhismotherfucking jaw while I’m there.
“Please, don't create a scene.” Her eyes almost plead with me as she holds my hand in both of hers.
“A scene? He hit you? He hurt you?” I whisper-hiss as I look down at her. My anger’s increasing by the second the more I think about it. How any man could hit a woman is beyond me, but now that I’m getting to know Haylee, I have no idea how anyone would even lay a finger on her. She is pure, sweet, sassy sunshine. A sunflower.Mysunflower.
“Sit down. Please,” she begs, squeezing my hand to her chest. I feel her heart thumping through her skin on the back of my hand, and I look down at her, my own heart cracking at her desperate panic. Her breathing is rapid, her hands shaky in mine. Moving my hand to her face, I skim my knuckles over her cheek. “Okay. I’ll sit.” I take a breath and move back to my seat, not wanting to upset her further.
“Everything alright, sir?” The waiter comes over tentatively, noticing there’s an issue.
“No. I want to speak to the manager,” I demand, because if I can’t hurt him physically, I will get him banished and ruin his reputation. I need to call Laurent, get him on this issue, have this fucker tarnished in New York so no one will work with him again. The waiter scurries off, worried for his job.
“Alex.” Haylee commands my attention, and I look at her. “It’s fine. I’m fine. Let’s just go.” It is then it dawns on me that she is scared and that fucker needs to go immediately.
“Sir, how can I assist you this evening?” An older gentleman in a suit walks up to our table, and I stand, pressing a kiss to Haylee’s forehead, whispering against her, “I’ll be right back. Stay right here.”
“A quiet word,” I grit out to the older man, walking him over the side of the restaurant where I can talk with him privately while still making sure Haylee is safe. I watch her ex talk with his associates, the four of them with glasses of whiskey, knocking them back like they are at a frat house. I explain the situation to the manager, along with a few firm threats of closing his restaurant and bulldozing it to the ground, and he gives me a few panicked nods before he agrees. That fucker is going.
Walking back to Haylee, I sit down, swallowing some wine a lot more delicately than I feel. I’m angry as I watch the manager, accompanied by three security men, walk over to the table. There’s a quiet altercation as the men look around before her ex spots her. His lips thin, pure evil in his eyes before he glares at me, but then his eyes widen as recognition sinks in. He frowns, confused. He obviously hasn’t seen the gossip pages or stories about Haylee and me; otherwise, he wouldn’t look so surprised.
“What did you do?” she asks me softly, and I turn to look at her as he and his associates are quietly escorted out of the premises to the murmurs of all the diners nearby.
“I had him removed.” Holding her hand again on the table, I need to feel her and ensure she is alright. The move settles us both, even though I want to follow him out and fucking prove my point with my hand against his jaw.
“Removed? You can do that?” she asks, wide-eyed, shock, surprise, and a range of emotions I probably couldn’t begin to understand flittering across her face.
“I can and I did. I might be known as Scrooge, but I will protect you, Haylee, with everything I have,” I tell her, meaning every word. I’m serious. There’s no way in hell any danger is going to come to this woman.
“Alex?” she whispers, swallowing roughly as she looks into my eyes. I can see the question there. It’s the same one I’ve already thought of myself.
“Haylee, agreement or no agreement, I’ve got you,” I say without a flicker of doubt, and she takes in a breath, like she’s relieved.
“And I’ve got you,” she, says, nodding, her eyes never leaving mine.
It’s in this moment, I think we’re both realizing, we’re all in.
* * *
Leaving a handsome tip,I keep Haylee close as we leave, my hand now sliding into the comfortable spot around her waist, like it was always meant to be there. After finishing our red wine, we both declined dessert, our night shaded by her ex turning up. Although, she is still smiling, even if it is a little more subdued than normal.
“Thank you, Alex. This was really nice,” she says as we step outside. The fresh air is immediate, and I pull her closer as she tucks into my side. I need to stifle the urge I have to kiss the top of her head, because I do it so often, I’m sure she is getting sick of it.
“Liar,” I murmur to her, smiling before I relent, and my lips meet her hair and I breathe in the sweet scent of her shampoo. She huffs a laugh at me. I know she would prefer Benny’s or maybe somewhere more casual, and I have no problem with dates like that as long as they are with her. But she also deserves the very best. I think she would have enjoyed tonight if things went differently.