“Are you trying to kill me with your heart attack food?” I tease, my hand gliding around her waist and keeping her close. Enjoying her friendly, easygoing nature.
“I have learned over the years that when someone gets a little grouchy, it is usually because they are hungry.” Smiling, her glossy lips reflect under the bad overhead lighting.
“I prefer not to fill my arteries with so much cholesterol,” I quip, although I am feeling a bit hungry.
“Go on, Alex, try it. Just for me?” she whispers in a way that has me wavering.
“Here, I will try it first, so you know you won’t keel over the minute it touches your lips.” Moving the stick to her mouth, she wraps her lips around it. I bite my tongue so I don’t let out a growl from deep in my chest as I watch her take a bite, the crumbs from the outside of the cheese now specking her lips, caught on her gloss.
She hums in approval, her eyes closing in appreciation, and my fingers twitch on her side, causing her to open her eyes and look straight at me.
“Want some?” she teases again, cocking an eyebrow, and I can’t take it anymore. I grab her wrist with my other hand and guide her hand to my mouth. As I take a bite, the deliciousness hits my tongue immediately.
“Mmmmm,” I agree with her as I chew. She licks her lips, ridding herself of the crumbs before she smiles.
“Here,” she says, lifting on her tiptoes and grazing her thumb along my bottom lip. My hold on her waist tightens, pulling her body against mine. With her chest pressing against my own, a gasp escapes her mouth. “You have a few crumbs…” she starts to say, but I cut her off.
“As do you…” I murmur as I lean closer, my lips brushing against hers softly without hesitation. Her body relaxes, humming again in a way that makes me want to kiss her for real, before the lane next to us apparently gets a strike. Bells and lights go off in celebration, making us step back from one another quickly.
“Are the media looking?” she asks, her voice quiet, and I clench my jaw. I have no fucking idea who is looking, and that is a problem. I shouldn’t be touching her, not like this. Not like I want to. It is a contract. A signed document of legal tender. That is what I need to be focused on. What the hell is wrong with me? A few pictures together, holding hands, and that is it. Not dreaming of what kissing her neck would be like, how she might melt even further when touching her in different places. Looking back to the front windows, I clear my throat.
“Yes,” I say, although I can’t see a thing. Night has fallen outside, and my team is doing a great job of keeping the photogs at a distance.
“Oh… well, good move.” Blinking her eyes rapidly, she takes a small step away from me to put the remainder of the cheese stick back in the basket and grab her ball. I take the time to pull myself together.
“You're up,” I tell her, taking a seat to watch her again. As I do, I lean forward on my knees and wring my hands, the confusion and tension I am currently feeling starting to boil together, making me feel sick. I look over at the mozzarella sticks. They are delicious, but they could also be contributing to my sudden nausea, considering I don’t eat fried food. Yet another thing in my life that I’m totally disregarding in my current situation.
She stands still for a moment, and I try to figure out what the hell is happening to me. She is right. I wouldn’t normally be here, in this situation, with a woman like her. I shouldn’t be paying for increased security to keep her and her family safe; they aren’t my problem. Yet I did.
I watch her take her shot again, sighing when she gets another strike.
This is going to be a very short game.
“So, did you have fun?” I tease as we push out of the door of the bowling alley and walk toward the car.
“I got annihilated and filled my arteries with so much saturated fat that I feel like I want to vomit,” he growls, looking annoyed when I know he clearly enjoyed himself.
“Just wait until—” My words get cut off as the media scrum outside starts shouting.
“Alexander! Who is the new woman?”
“Alexander! Are you buying Benny’s Bowling Alley?”
“Alexander! Is it true that you got her pregnant?”
“Shit,” Alex mumbles as I stand like a deer in headlights at the crazy scene in front of me. “Dan!” he yells as he tightens his hold on my hand and pulls me forward.
“Head down, Sunflower,” he instructs me gruffly as he strides forward, seemingly used to this kind of situation as I quickly try to follow his lead, the media pack pushing into us, not giving us any space.
“Haylee! How did you two meet?” I hear someone shout.
“Alexander! Would your father approve?” someone else yells.
It is crazy. Like nothing I have ever experienced before, and while I wouldn’t say I am scared, I’m definitely out of my depth. As I follow Alex’s steps, I feel like we should nearly be there, but I’m unable to see where the hell we are because the cameras are flashing incessantly, and people loom around us. They start to clamber over each other, everyone trying to get the perfect shot. My grip on Alex remains tight, but one photographer trips, falling straight into me. I would like to think I have some strength, but he is larger and rounder than I am. The force of him pushes me to the side and I hit the pavement.