Page 18 of Scrooge

“Come in. Close the door,” Alex says abruptly.

“Please!” I beg, probably for the last time I’ll get to, as I turn swiftly and step closer to look at Alex. He stands firm, looking down at me, and I take in a sharp breath, not realizing how close that step brought me. His eyes assess me, and he must see the desperation written across my forehead. I feel like his hardness melts as his eyes warm from a darker brown to something molten. I get lost in them for a moment, until the door clicks closed and Laurent speaks again.

“Everything alright here?” he asks, and I start to panic all over again. My breathing grows rapid. My sister is going to kill me. I have lost the only opportunity we had to save the store. I briefly think about literally falling to my knees like she said, but I refrain.

“Everything is fine,” Alex says, his eyes not leaving mine. We stare at each other for another beat before he clears his throat and looks up at them both, breaking our connection. My heart plummets as failure creeps up my spine.

“Laurent. Sheridan. I would like you to meet Haylee… my fiancée.”



“Your what?” Haylee screeches in front of me. She looks horrified, and I should be offended, but it will just make things easier. No feelings involved from either of us. A simple transaction.

“Whoa…” Laurent says. “I need to sit down.” Acting dramatic, he lunges to the leather armchair, gripping on to the back of it to steady himself like he is about to faint.

“Alexander?” Sheridan asks tentatively as she steps forward. She’s reserving judgment. But all my attention is on the small brunette in front of me, the one looking at me, wide-eyed, mouth open, her pout glossy and perfect. I swallow hard thinking about what those lips would feel like beneath mine.

“You need to save your shop. I need a woman to be by my side to change my profile. I am suggesting an agreement,” I explain to Haylee, who is now looking pale, and I am wondering if she is the one who needs to take a seat instead of Laurent. I feel a little bad catching her off guard like this. But I roll my shoulders back and mentally shake it off. This is business; I need to be ruthless, remain firm.

“Say what now?” she asks, shock still evident on her face, and I huff a small laugh. She’s cute when lost for words.

“You need to save your business, and I need a committed relationship. It is a win-win,” I repeat, relieved to have such a plan. I hadn’t thought about it until she showed up here. But it makes sense. She needs something from me, and I need something from her. It is the perfect arrangement.

“You have lost your goddamn mind.”

My chest hurts a little at her statement. I don’t even know if she has a boyfriend. But she doesn't wear a ring and didn’t mention a significant other. I’d think if she had one, that would have been the first argument to not doing this with me.

“You want to save Tucker Toys, don’t you?” I press, watching her eyes flame.

“Blackmail wasn’t really on my agenda when I came here today,” she snarls.

“What was your agenda? Turn up with flowers and beg? Feel free to get on your knees for me, Sunflower.” The nickname falls from my lips too quickly for me to stop it, her cheeks heating in response as she swallows audibly. Having her get on her knees would have been a sight. I clear my throat as I feel my dick thicken at the mere thought.

“Ahhh. What is happening?” Laurent asks, and I look up at him as he flicks his gaze between Haylee and me.

“You both told me that I need to commit to one person,” I say nonchalantly.

“We did,” Sheridan says with a firm nod, clearly on board with this.

“And this is who I choose. A simple agreement. Haylee will agree to dating me. We’ll be photographed at a few places together, enough to make our suppliers and stakeholders feel more settled. Then we can end this charade when things are back on track. It shouldn’t take long.”

“I can’t believe this,” she mutters as her fingers grip her ear to the point of her lobe turning red.

“In return, Haylee and her family get to keep Tucker Toys, on the same rental agreement they have had for the next two years,” I add, and Haylee relaxes marginally as she takes a few deep breaths. Not knowing anything about her personal circumstances, I wonder now why their rent hasn’t increased over the years, something I need to look into.

“This is great. Just what we needed,” Sheridan says, clapping her hands and smiling.

“I haven’t agreed to anything yet,” Haylee interjects, the shock wearing off as this fully sinks in.

“Do you want to save Tucker Toys, or don't you?” I ask. I have to refrain from huffing at her resistance. I just want to get this done.

“How long do we need to date?” she questions, crossing her arms over her chest in defiance, but at least she is considering it.

“Until Christmas. You can break up after the holidays. The press will be skeleton staff over the break, so it will create less of a ripple,” Laurent jumps in.

“We will draw up a legal contract. We can’t tell anyone. It is a simple business transaction. No feelings, no money exchanging hands. I get to settle my profile, and you get to keep Tucker Toys. That is it,” I reiterate, but her stance doesn’t budge.