“No, I gave it up to focus on my studies and the business. My father was adamant that all my time be allocated to learning the ropes so right after I graduated I could run the European office.”
“Wow, that's a lot of pressure,” I comment, and he just shrugs. I decide not to push that subject, not wanting to ruin his mood. It seems like it could be a touchy subject.
“So, what do you do to keep so fit?” I ask instead, my cheeks heating, immediately thinking about his naked shower.
“You think I am fit?” He gives me a knowing look. “Run. Weights. I use my gym at home, mostly. What about you?” he asks, and I huff a laugh.
“The only weightlifting I do is with the ice cream from the tub,” I admit, laughing to myself. Sure, I’m on my feet all day, running around the shop and unpacking boxes, but in terms of formal exercise, that is not something I do. Alex’s eyes travel down my frame and back up again.
“You look good. Don't change,” he says, voice dipping low, and for the second time today, he takes my breath away. He clears his throat before he continues.
“So you are sure you are okay with me coming to Thanksgiving this weekend?” he asks, almost sounding unsure, not that he’d show it.
“Of course. The more the merrier. Although Dan might need a bigger car to take you home afterward. My mom, Jillian, and I literally cook for days. It is a feast,” I tell him, smiling proudly. “Did you celebrate Thanksgiving when your dad was alive?” I ask.
“Not really. We were too busy running the business.”
“So you just worked on Thanksgiving Day?” I can’t help the frown tugging at my lips, wondering if he did anything fun as a kid, and he only nods. “Well, sorry in advance for the experience you are going to have at my parents’ place on the weekend. We aren’t exactly subtle with celebrations.”
“I’m actually looking forward to it,” he says as he looks at me, a small grin playing on his face that makes my stomach flutter. “And I’ll be driving. Dan needs the day for his family.”
“Oh, so you do actually drive yourself at times?” I ask playfully. Our conversation today is friendly, and I am enjoying it.
“On occasion. Dan makes the workweek a little easier for me, though. What about you? Do you have a car, or do you use public transport all the time?” he asks, and I sigh.
“I have taken the train most of my life. I don’t really need a car in New York,” I tell him.
“What about at night? You can’t be too careful.” He watches me with the same worry he showed before we went to the gallery. He really doesn’t seem to like the fact that I take public transport after the sun goes down. The fact that he has even a flicker of worry for me shouldn’t give me butterflies like it does.
“Usually, Dad will pick us up if we finish at the shop too late. But Jillian and I travel together, plus there is Deloris usually as well.”
He nods, but still doesn’t appear to be happy about it.
“Deloris…” he mutters, like he’s thinking out loud.
“She is one in a million,” I tell him, smiling, and he looks at me appreciatively.
“I have never met anyone quite like you,” he says quietly, his eyes searching mine. We are close, our shoulders touching, our heads turned to face each other, the soccer game long forgotten. My heart stutters, and I swallow. The way he says exactly how he is feeling is like a breath of fresh air.
“I know. I’m one of a kind.” Laughing at myself, I try to shake off how strongly he’s making me feel. It’s then it happens. It starts small, almost like it’s happening in slow motion, and I blink a few times to ensure I am not imagining it. My heart races with joy and my smile is wide as I watch his lips quirk at the sides, but instead of lowering straightaway like I have seen them do a few times now, they continue to rise.
“Oh… my… God…” I whisper as I see his full-blown smile appear. “You’re smiling.” I’m gobsmacked by the sight, the feeling of genuine happiness filling my bones as I look at him in wonder.
“Yes. Yes, I am, Sunflower,” he says, before he leans forward and kisses my forehead. I’m glad I’m sitting down, because if I was standing, I would fall at his feet. I was right. Alex with a full-blown smile is devastatingly handsome and one for the record books.
Pulling up to the house, the street quiet, I see my security team stop a bit farther behind me. I would prefer to come alone, but the increased attention we have been getting means going solo these days would be a stupidly poor decision for everyone.
I peer out the windshield at the cottage that will house my first full family Thanksgiving Day. It is a small white weatherboard place, the cool air leaving a light mist around it. It’s cute, nondescript, and exactly what I expected.
I grab the bottle of red and the bottle of Whiteman’s Whiskey, not knowing what her father likes to drink, then make my way to the front door, glad I opted for a turtleneck today, as the temperature out of the city is much cooler than it was when I left the penthouse this morning. Frost is still on the ground, the snow probably a few days away.
As I stride up to the front door, my breath creates a cloud in front of me in the coolness of the air. I press the doorbell and wait, but the door opens almost instantaneously.
“Hello!” the voice says excitedly, and I look down, seeing a small girl with two pigtails and a big smile.