Page 20 of Scrooge

“It wouldn’t hurt,” Sheridan says and nods in agreement.

“I don’t need a makeover,” Haylee argues, her brow pinching.

“Darling, you are about to become public enemy number one in this town. Every woman, single or otherwise, will want to scratch your eyes out for dating the city's most eligible bachelor. Everyone is trying to date Alexander. So we need toPretty Womanyou up before the media picks apart every inch of your appearance,” Laurent explains, and I hadn’t thought of that. The media will also pick apart every inch of her store, her family, her history. I hope she is ready.

“Are you suggesting I am an escort?” she hisses at Laurent, and his head rears back.

“Not at all. But Alexander has a profile to build. He needs a woman of the same… stature.” He is trying and failing to be delicate.

“There is nothing wrong with Haylee’s appearance. She is fine as she is,” I butt in. She is clearly a beautiful woman. More natural than I would ordinarily date, but beautiful just the same.

“Just a few things. A haircut, new wardrobe, that kind of thing,” Sheridan continues with a kind smile, and my lips thin, but I nod. Knowing that if we don’t, that will give the media more ammunition that this isn’t the real deal.

“Think of it as a perk,” I tell Haylee, and she rolls her eyes at me.

“Can I go now… darling?” she says sarcastically, looking up at me and fluttering her lashes. This woman is going to be the death of me.

“Give me your details. I will call you with further arrangements.”

She grabs my silver pen from my desk, along with a notepad, and writes her cell number.

“There. Anything else?” she asks, lifting her chin.

“I’ll call you later, Sunflower,” I say to her quietly and watch her swallow, her cheeks tinting a little pinkish, before she turns and strides out of my office, closing the door behind her.

“Ahh, what is that?” Laurent asks with squinting eyes.

“What?” I ask, confused.

“That… there… On your face?” He points at me, taking a few steps closer.

“That’s a smile,” Sheridan says, grinning, and I push off my desk and circle back around to my chair. Realizing I was, indeed, just smiling.

“Stop being ridiculous.” Ignoring their glances, I take a seat. “Alright. Let’s get to work,” I say, getting Sheridan and Laurent on track.

I sure hope what I just did will be the answer to everyone’s problems.

I guess I’m officially on my way to being engaged.



Ileft Alex’s office and walked around the park for a few hours. It was cold, but the sky was clear, and the sun offered the warmth I needed. After successfully dodging Jillian's questions and side-eyes all afternoon, I am now in her kitchen, a bottle of red wine opened, waiting for her to come join me after putting the kids to bed.

“So, did you beg?” she asks, slumping in the seat opposite me. She’s defeated because I didn’t come back smiling and laughing, so she automatically thinks I failed at our mission.

“Not exactly,” I murmur, taking a sip, needing the courage. I’m not sure how she’s going to respond to what I have to say.

“Tell me what happened,” she urges as she pours herself a glass of wine, the pour lasting a lot longer than it should, the glass almost full, and I take a deep breath.

“We have come to an agreement,” I say, taking a sip, trying to get the words out right.

“An agreement?” Looking a little more alive now, she eyes me curiously.

“Well, he has offered to have Tucker Toys remain on the same rental agreement as we had previously for the next two years, giving us enough time to revamp our budget and organize our cash flow…” I say, taking in another breath.

“In exchange for what?” She sits forward, knowing there’s more, not wanting to celebrate too soon. My long pause has her taking a gulp of her wine.