“Abalim! Abalim, please.” She gripped him tighter, and her orgasm neared. Its force warned her of the oncoming destructive nature about to explode.
“That’s it, my inkheart, my everlasting love.” He groaned. “Hold me tight. Don’t let go.”
He released her legs, blanketing her with the heat of his wide chest, keeping his hands beneath her to hold her in place.
She wanted more and wrapped her legs around his hips, linking her ankles together. Good thing she did that. The man took her hard. Hard and fast, with enough force that when his hips pounded into hers, flesh slapped loudly against flesh. Then one last devastating push from him made Lisa shatter. She screamed his name when ecstasy detonated deep inside her. Arching under him, she tightened her legs around his trim hips as tremors of rapture consumed her. He spilled his hot seed inside her, and minor eruptions caused her womb to convulse in response.
As Abalim held her, he whispered her name against her neck. His body shuddered and jerked through his own release.
Wrapped in his warmth and their shared cocooned of pleasure, Lisa savored a sense of completion for the first time in her life.
Chapter Nine
Aslightpinchonhis cheek yanked Abalim out of a sound sleep.
“What the…?”
“Mister Abalim, sir.”
He stilled at the anxious tone in JR15’s voice.
“You and Ms. Lisa need to get up and put your suits back on. There are several Lumarians headed this way. And I don’t think they’re very happy.”
The small droid shivered as he trotted off the side of Abalim’s face and rested on the bed of leaves next to his head.
Abalim blinked, trying to focus on his companion. “Is it still night?” He pushed himself up on his hands and looked over his shoulder at the draping vines at the opening to the hut. It was still pitch black outside.
“What’s going on?”
Lisa’s groggy voice made him smile. He sat up and watched her do the same.
She scratched the side of her head, making her short blonde hair stick up.
“I’m not sure, but JR15 says a group of Lumarians are on their way here.” He got off the nest, putting his hand on his lower back, and stretched. It was amazing how comfortable that bed was. “We’ve got to put our suits back on before they get here.”
She yawned and stretched her hands over her head.
He stopped and stared as her naked breasts rose and fell with her movements. Images of their lovemaking mere hours ago made his breath catch and his blood pool south. He dropped his suit he’d picked up off the floor reached out to grab her.
“Oh, no you don’t, mister.” She gave him a mischievous chuckle. “You touch me, and we’ll forget all about those aliens headed this way. Then they’d find themselves watching something I’m sure will make them lose their shizzle.”
He groaned when she bent and picked up her own suit. Damn woman would test the patience of the gods themselves.
He sat on the nest and put his foot into the leg of the suit. “Can you tell what they want, JR15?”
“I’m not sure, Mister Abalim, sir. It’s hard to tell ‘cause they’re all talking together. But I can tell you they don’t look very happy.”
After putting his other foot in the suit, Abalim stood and finished dressing. With the flat of his hand, he sealed the garment closed at the nape of his neck.
Once the droid settled he glanced at Lisa and frowned.
The woman struggled with closing the suit to activate it. She tugged at the top, but nothing happened.
Now he heard the angry murmurs from outside getting closer.
JR15 squealed and scuttled up the nape of his neck.
He rushed to Lisa’s side. “Here, let me.” With a flat palm, he pressed the side of the opening to make it close.