Lisa giggled as the little robot flew around and made quick work of checking out the small room.
“All is as it seems, Mister Abalim, sir. There is nothing hidden that isn’t a natural part of this environment.” JR15 gave his report once he settled onto his normal place on Abalim’s shoulder.
“Well, that’s a relief.” Lisa put her hands on her hips. “What were you expecting?” She waved a hand around. “This doesn’t look anything like what the Xeltrians have.”
Abalim shrugged. “Maybe not. But I’ve learned not to trust things on the surface.” He looked at JR15 on the edge of his shoulder. “Keep your sensors open when you go back to your hiding place, okay?”
“Oh yes, Mister Abalim, sir. I will let you know if there is any trouble.” The little bot scurried back up to the nape of Abalim’s neck.
Lisa looked at his neck with a frown. “Can you somehow psychically connect with him? Is that how you guys communicate?”
“No, I’m afraid not. We have to rely on verbal communication.” He peered at Lisa, trying to see if she was in any way uncomfortable. “I understand the Xeltrians gave you some kind of injection to open your psychic senses. How are you feeling?” He wasn’t arrogant enough to probe her mind without her permission.
Her sapphire blue eyes unfocused. “You know, it’s weird. It seems me being able to read others comes and goes. It’s like I don’t have enough experience to keep it steady.” She gazed at him with a smile. “I promise to warn you if I find myself reading your mind.” She chuckled. “You got anything in there that you don’t want me to see?”
“I’d rather you and I get to know each other the old-fashioned way, if you don’t mind.” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “But first, let’s go and explore this little village, hmm?”
“Ha!” Lisa’s snicker was adorable. “I know a deflection move when I see one.” She gripped his hand back. “Yeah, let’s look around the village. It’ll give us a chance to get to know each other better.” She gave him a shoulder bump. “Think you can handle that, big guy?”
Abalim became light as a feather. He’d never had a female tease him before. He kind of liked it. “I can handle anything, as long as I’m with you.”
Lisa threw her head back and laughed. “Aw, you big softy.” She giggled as they walked through the hanging leaves of the hut to adventure in the village of Aroonshire.
Lisa couldn’t believe the breathtaking beauty of the Nexoros village. She breathed in the moist air, layered with growing things. The natural scents came with a hint of open fires blanketing the otherwise pristine atmosphere. By unspoken agreement, she and Abalim didn’t head for the center of the village, instead started walking around the outskirts. Each of the small huts they passed had to be places for visitors to stay or businesses that required things to be done indoors.
Every Lumarian greeted them with open smiles and singsong twitters. She half expected some of them to stop and talk, but all hurried off. It reminded her of the New York streets she once visited — people focused on their own concerns, not bothered by the surrounding millions. While the Lumarians weren’t nearly as populous, their intent was the same.
The other thing different from New York was the absence of the stress people there carried like a second skin. Aroonshire’s atmosphere was one of celebration and excitement. Now, she was reminded of her last trip to Disneyland. Once she stepped through the gates of the Magic Kingdom, all cares and worries were long forgotten.
A group of youngsters roared around the corner, making her and Abalim jump to the side to avoid getting run over.
Lisa smiled as the children laughed and danced, heading to wherever kids were determined to go. Abalim’s warmth at her side let her know he stood close.
“Do you feel that?” He gestured to the Lumarians intermingling in the village.
Not sure what he was talking about, Lisa glanced from one side of the village to the next and studied the Lumarians as they went about their business. She stilled and concentrated internally to see if there was anything she didn’t catch with her eyes, doing her best to flex her new psychic abilities. All too soon came a sense of unease creeping up her spine. It started in her chest, like a hot slithering snake that wound its way around her body before crawling into her mouth, making it dry. She imaged that was how a tendency toward megalomania felt.
“I sense some kind of hunger for power.” Lisa glanced at the man next to her. “Is that what you mean?”
“Yes. I believe all isn’t as it seems here in this so-called peaceful village.” He clasped her arm in a firm but soft hold and turned her to face him. “You notice something missing from this village?”
She studied his dark eyes before looking away to watch the Lumarians as they went about their business. It took a moment before the obvious became clear.
“Where are all the old people?” she whispered. She squinted, but couldn’t find any Lumarian showing signs of age. They all appeared young and hearty, either in the prime of their lives or like the children racing past them. “Do you think it has something to do with this nasty feeling I’m getting?”
“I’m not sure, but I don’t believe in coincidences.” Abalim slipped his arm around her shoulders. “JR15, can you determine if there are any elderly Lumarians around?” His voice was so low, it was hard to hear him. And he was right next to her.
“Yes, Mister Abalim, sir. Analyzing.” For some reason, the higher pitch of the little bot’s voice was easier to understand.
After a light peep, the bot answered. “On the other side of the village, I’ve believe there are a group of elderly Lumarians in one place. Would you like me to give you directions?”
“Yes, in a roundabout way. I don’t want it to look like we're heading for any specific area,” Abalim replied.
Lisa studied the back of Abalim’s neck, but she couldn’t see JR15 under the thickness of the man's dreadlocks.
“If you follow where the children were going”—JR15 directed—“you’ll pass by the hut where the elders are. I believe it will be easy for you to determine which one it is, since it’s larger than the other structures around here.”
“Care to take a stroll, my lady?” Abalim lifted his elbow.