“I don’t need toobserveanything.” Lisa mirrored his stance, gripping her hands into fists. “We’d never let an innocent person die because some old farts think that’s what they need to do to keep them in power.”
“Interesting.” Rerqel twined his gangly fingers together in front of him and didn’t say anything else.
“Lisa.” Abalim's quiet tone was firm. “I’m sure there’s more to the story than what the Xeltrians are showing us.”
“Humph.” She glared at the alien.
“Quite right.” Rerqel gave a brief nod as an opposite wall dissolved open.
Lisa’s eyes popped wide at the weird sight.
In came two of the Xeltrians with a strange creature between them.
It looked like a walking malachite crystal on steroids. While it resembled a man with two legs, two arms, and a head like any other humanoid creature, the resemblance to an organic being was nowhere in sight. The clear deep-green color of his body had swirling ribbons of black and light green, opaque in nature, twining inside it.
The silent creature’s roaming eyes reminded her of a crystal ball a psychic would use. Except in emerald green.
Over his body, the crystals or mirrors reflected rainbow prisms around the room, and the varied smooth panels covering him were in myriad shades of seafoam green.
Lisa was so shocked, she didn’t notice Abalim brushed up behind her until her shivering body was wrapped in his welcoming heat. Without thinking, she leaned into his chest.
His large hands wrapped around her upper arms as he sucked in a breath and whispered a strange word. “Krystalii.”
She started to turn around to look at him, but Rerqel’s next words stopped her.
“Good. We are pleased you recognize this species.”
Lisa slammed her hands over her ears with her eyes closed, trying to block the scream in her mind. The gentle touch of Abalim’s fingers on her temple eased the pain. The instant relief brought tears to her eyes as she opened them.
“I will stay in your mind and protect you.”
Abalim’s whisper was a balm to the muffled sound in her ears. “Yes, please.” She gripped his muscular forearm for support. “What was that?” She glanced at the unmoving crystal man.
He was frozen in mid scream.
“This creature is called a Krystalii.” Rerqel replied. “Our apologies. We were not aware when he spoke in your mind it would cause you distress. Considering your delicate sensibilities, we put a block on his mental capabilities to limit his communications.”
The massive hold on her mind evaporated. Her knees almost gave out. Good thing Abalim held her in his powerful hands. She tilted her head to look back at him. “You know about them?”
“Yes.” He gave her a slight nod. “I’ve unfortunately met one of them who calls himself Lord Baelon. He claimed they were from another dimension and plan to conquer ours by genetically purging every organic species in the galaxy.” He chuckled. “One of the ways they want to do that is to experiment with human women to accelerate their spawning ability.”
“What… how…?”
“This creature claims what you say is an oversimplification of their intent, but agrees with the underlying analysis.” The multiple tones in Rerqel’s tone hardened.
Abalim wrapped a strong arm around Lisa’s waist and pulled her close. “Oh, and did he say why he came to you?”
Lisa got the impression the man holding her continued to hear what the creepy crystal alien said, but asked out loud for her.
“He brought forth a proposal to us, seeking an alignment. Not to help them, but to refrain from interfering. If we are agreeable, they will not only let us live unimpeded in this dimension, they would encourage any endeavor we wish to pursue.”
Lisa’s heart dropped. She might not know much about the Xeltrians, but if they decided to align themselves with these crystal people, it couldn’t be good for everyone else in the galaxy. Especially Earth.
“May I ask what you have decided?” Abalim could be talking about the weather for all the calm, soft tone he used.
“We have informed this Krystalii that the decision entirely rests on how you both interact with the Lumarians.”