Page 44 of For Pucking Keeps

“Not at all, Alexis. I want the same. In fact, I’m glad you said this. Now I know where I’m taking you is exactly what we both need, both want.”

“Tor?” His name a question as my brain tries to pick up on what he is saying.

“Alexis,” he replies, clearly he has a secret, and I won’t know what it is until we get to wherever it is we are going.

“Okay,” I say wearily. I trust whatever it is, I will love it because it’s something we can share and experience together. Yep, I’ve been a goner for months. Tor is my endgame. Period.

I settle into my seat, content to see where we are going as we drive in silence for a few minutes longer. The car stops, and I have to squeeze my eyes tight to keep them from popping open. I hear Tor chuckle because of course he knows I’m struggling over here.

“You love to make me sweat,” I say impatiently.

“In more ways than one,” he teases as the sound of a gate opening has my ears perking up.

“Keep them closed, Alexis, baby. We’re almost there,” Tor says as the car pulls forward and we are driving again. We finally stop. I hear him take the key out of the ignition. I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank goodness, I don’t think in the future I am going to suggest a blindfold. Tor’s hand slips from mine as he exits the car, shutting his door, leaving me alone. The urge to take a tiny peek is strong. Before I can give in to temptation my door opens and he grabs my hand, ushering me out of the SUV.

The salty smell of the sea hits my nose, along with the sound of sea gulls and the rustling of trees as a light summer breeze brushes against my face, cooling the warmth of the sun. I take it all in, letting my senses explore before my eyes can. Wherever we are, I’mcontent to stand here, comfortable and serene, with Tor’s hand in mine.

“Open your eyes, Supernova.” Tor’s breath tickles my ear as he leans over me, resting his chin on my shoulder. His arms wrap around my waist, and he pulls my body into his as I open my eyes.

A gasp escapes my lips as I glance around. There are beautiful tall pine trees cradling a sleek, modern beachfront home. I step forward and Tor releases me as my mouth falls open in shock and surprise. The Puget Sound is right in front of me, the view is spectacular as the Seattle skyline can be seen in the distance. It’s like the view from Tor’s penthouse yet in reverse. The two-story home has weathered white boards with black trim, simple and clean. What catches my eye and makes this place stand out the most, are the huge windows that wrap around the house, reminiscent of the ones in my own home. I haven’t stepped foot inside and I already know the panoramic views alone will have me salivating with the need to stare out of them for hours. The beach, if you can call it that, is more of a rocky embankment from where I’m standing. There’s not a neighbor in sight, it’s quiet and peaceful, the hustle and bustle of the city is absent, and I am already in love with it.

“What is this place?” I ask curiously as I step closer, wanting to take a look inside. I pause, when I realize this might be someone’s home and I’m about to look like a major stalker if I plaster my face to their window.

“Ours,” Tor replies and there’s not a hint of humor in his voice. He’s serious.

I turn, my eyebrows rise in question as my hands go automatically to my hips. “What do you mean ‘ours’?” I close the distance between us, taking note of the black wrought iron gate we drove through moments ago.

“This is our new home, Alexis. I bought it for us.” He gestures around us with his arm sweeping out in an arc for emphasis.

“But we have homes, Tor. I still have my place, you have the penthouse,” I say, completely caught off guard by this. Since I’ve been back I’ve barely spent time at my house, choosing to stay with Tor in his penthouse. I’m not one for extravagance, this feels a little too much.

Tor, sensing my unease, grabs my hands in his and pulls me close. “We keep the penthouse. During hockey season it will be easier to stay there because it’s close to the arena. We can keep your house, Alexis, because it’s yours, and whatever you decide to do with it is your choice. But this,”—he drops my hands and turns me towards the house again—“is ours, something we share together. This is the place in whichwe build our future. Our own little private bubble away from the world, just for us. If you don’t like it, we can find something else, but I saw this view and immediately thought of you,” he reassures me, like he always does.

“It’s beautiful.” Is my reply, because I want what he wants. I want this life, with him, forever. If this is where we start, then, sign me up. “Okay, let’s do it.”

Tor blows out a nervous breath behind, then says, “Good. Now for the hard part.”

I turn about to ask what he means but stop short when I find him on his knees before me.

“Tor, Tor, what, why?—”

“Alexis Rhodes, what’s the point of wasting time when I already know where I want to spend the rest of my life? I love you. It doesn’t get any bigger or better than that. I need you, like I need my next breath, and I don’t want to exist without your light in my life. You’ve had my heart in your hands from the first time I saw you. My soul called to yours and you answered, baby. So, here I am, down on my knees, wanting you, needing you, to be my wife. To be my forever. Let’s make love and have babies, build our lives starting right here, right now. Marry me?” His words are heartfelt, earnest, his love is palpable, enveloping without need for touch. I feel every ounce of his truth. I don’t think, I don’t hesitate, because I know what I want.I’ve known it from the start of our journey, despite my fears, that he is mine and I am his.

I reach out and cup his face, leaning over him, I brush my lips against his with my answer, because there is only one. “Yes.”