So, in a way, Julia was right. I didn’t know it at the time, but running was the best thing I could have done for myself and for Tor. Because here I am, vulnerable but strong, ready to face this day with hope to regain the piece of myself I lost.
“Are you ready for this?” Julia asks, pulling me from my thoughts. “I’m so proud of you, Alexis. You’ve been through a lot these past few months, hell, it’s been a year since you moved to Seattle. Despite all of it, look at what you’ve accomplished. Yes, you left, but fate has a way of moving us around this chessboard of life toward our ultimate endgame. As much as we think we are in control of the path we take, I truly believe the universe always has other plans. Your book and the story you wrote.” She points at me. “Your story proves it.” She winks and leans down to hug me. I wrap my arms around her, squeezing tight, taking the strength she so willingly gives.
“Thanks Jules,” I say, wiping a stray tear. I take a steady breath as she pulls away. Rolling my shoulders back, I turn towards my two sisters. Dawn blows me a kiss and Shay gives me a thumbs up, sending me encouragement.
“Alright. I’m ready, send them in.”
“I love you Jaz! I’m so excited to be here. I’ve read all of your books. I didn’t know I like hockey until now, your new book is everything.” The woman stands in front of me, her blonde hair up in a messy ponytail, wire-framed glasses sitting on the tip of her nose, and the biggest smile on her face as she piles my entire backlist in front of me along withFor Pucking Keepson top.
I smile so wide it hurts. I’m so grateful, honored, proud, and so happy to see all these people. I’m on cloud nine. “Thank you so much for reading my books, for supporting me. Thank you for coming out today. What’s your name?” I ask as I pull the first book off the top of the pile, the illustration of the hockey player and the writer, Evan and Raven, smile back at me as I open the book to the first page.
“Margaret!” she shouts excitedly over the music they have pumping through the speakers of the arena.
“It’s nice to meet you, Margaret,” I say as I begin to sign each of her books.
My day goes on just like this for what feels like hours. I greet reader after reader, even a few hockey fans that ask about Tor, offering up his jersey for me to sign. I look around for him, knowing he is supposed to be here signing team merchandise, but when I don’t see him I deflate a little. Maybe, he’s not here. I guess if he’s not, then I will have to go to him. Lucas will let me in the building because I won’t leave until he hears me out.
By the time another hour passes, my fingers are numb, and I am considering buying a stamp with my signature if my events are going to be this large from now on. I mean, I’m not complaining, compression gloves will be my new best friend. It’s a small price to pay for the people who come out and support me.
“Thank you for coming,” I say to the man whose just purchased a copy ofFor Pucking Keeps. I listen to him regale me with the tale of his favorite Vipers game of the season and how he’s looking forward to the playoffs. I replied so was I, and I can’t wait to cheer on the guys. I am so proud of Tor, I know it wasn’t easy, especially when Bast was out injured, but they pulled through. Even while away I watched every game, forcing Julia or my mother to watch with me. I even FaceTimed Lia when they played away games.
Taking a sip of water, I gave my right hand a little massage as a book slides across the table in front of me. On automatic pilot, I open the first page of For Pucking Keeps and pause at the words of the page.
I don’t know how the book ends. I tried to finish countless times, but I couldn’t turn the page. I didn’t want an ending that didn’t end with you. I want the happily ever after we were destined to achieve together. I don’t care why you left, we have time to talk and make it right. Nothing in the past matters. What we need is right now. I don’t want to spend another day or night without you beside me. I’m sorry for the words I know hurt you. I’m sorry for making you leave me, baby. You were meant for me, just me. You are the other half of my soul, and I’ve been aimless, adrift without you. I’ve yearned for you, my very being calls out to yours. Tell me you don’t feel it, because I felt it the minute I laid eyes on you. You’re mine, Alexis Rhodes, and I’m yours.
Now look up and tell me you love me, because I never stopped, and I never will.
Mr. Bailey.
Tears fall down my cheeks, hitting the page of the well-worn book. I read Tor’s words a second time, hoping I’m not in some strange fever dream and that this is actually happening. Torrance Bailey never ceases to amaze me. His ability to forgive, to look past my shortcomings, because I have a lot, and love me completely, absolutely, is something I never thought I would have or deserve. I’ve missed him so much, I’m almost afraid to look up into those beautiful hazel eyes of his. But the time for fear is over. The time for running is long gone. He’s right, we have all the time in the world to make it right, to talk through everything and build a stronger foundation together. He’s my forever and I am his. I will walk through this life by his side and never stray too far.
I sign my name next to his on the front page of the book and close it. When I look up, I’m met with an overgrown beard that makes him look sexier than before, longer locs fall over his forehead with the rest are gathered in a little man bun. But the ultimate showstopper is his megawatt smile. The smile he gives only me.
“I love you, Torrance Bailey. I love you with all my heart, in this life and the next.”
I’m up and out of my seat and in his arms in an instant. Our bodies collide, the collision of two bright stars coming together. Our kiss a detonation of light so blinding that it will only lead to an explosion, an unravelling of our souls, pulling us apart and knitting us back together, until we are one.
We kiss to the deafening applause of the entire arena, but we don’t let go of each other. The magnetism between us won’t allow it. Because right here, right now, there is only him, it’s just us.
“I love you too, Alexis Rhodes.”
One Month Later
“I’m not going to tell you how important this game is. I am not going to tell you it’s not about whether we win or lose. I’m not going to tell you to leave it all on the ice because I am not one to blow smoke up your asses.” Coach Lennox’s voice booms around the room. A few knowing chuckles can be heard, including my own. “What I am going to tell you is: give me everything you’ve got out there today! I want blood, sweat, and if there’s going to be tears, let them fall with the cup held high above your heads. Look at what you’ve accomplished despite everyone in the league gunning for our best at every game. We’ve had one of our best seasons to date,we’ve built one hell of a team, and now I want you to go out there and show the world why.”
Everyone in the arena erupts in a cacophony of whoops and cheers. The energy in the room is like an entity that pushes us out the locker room and onto the ice. Once warm-ups start, time begins to fly by. My teammates race and drill one another using one half of the rink while Toronto uses the other. I stretch out my legs, one knee planted firmly on the ice while I extend the other in front of me. It’s almost comical as I squat and lunge in my full gear, the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man fromGhostbusterscomes to mind, making me smile to myself. How we’re able to move is pure magic considering everything we wear is meant to protect us from the batterings we take almost every night.
My teammates circle me, joking and laughing, while Devan and Maxwell banter about whose stats are the best. Ridley shoots goal after rapid fire goal at Bast, taunting and teasing, daring him not to miss a single puck. Spirits are high, smiles are easy, the enthusiasm and eagerness to play is evident in every pass of the puck as we go through our pregame routines. I survey the guys, pride swelling in my chest. We’ve done it. The road we traveled to get here wasn’t easy, especially the playoff games leading up to this day. But our perseverance won out in the end. I played some of the best hockey of my life in the days prior,and although she would deny this claim, I know it’s because I had Alexis cheering me on at every game, regardless if it was at home or away. My Supernova, my biggest fan, wore my jersey with a smile only for me, and I couldn’t have been more grateful, no, thankful to the heavens for returning her to me.
I make one more lap around the ice. Spotting Alexis in her usual seat, with both her sisters, who I met officially a month ago, sandwiching her between them. Lia sits on one end next to Alexis’s older sister Dawn, while Julia sits at the end of the aisle beside Shay. Alexis stands and waves, blowing me a kiss. The love in her gaze when she looks at me will never get old as I grab the invisible gesture from the air and clutch it to my heart like a sappy love drunk fool. Only for her.I bow to my woman, making a heart sign with my hands, my hockey stick dangling precariously between my gloved fingers. Yep, I am that guy, and I am damn proud to be.
“I love you,” I mouth, and to my surprise she shouts it back, though with all the noise around us, it reaches my ears like a whispered caress.