“Are you obligated to say that, considering it’s probably your whole business model?”
She shrugs, and there’s a twinkle in her eye as she slides the glasses to hang on the front of her shirt. “Maybe, maybe not. Maybe I’ve just got a lot of wisdom in these old bones.”
I roll my eyes. “Wisdom maybe, but good intuition? Remains to be seen.”
“Kids these days,” Angela says under her breath with a shake of her head. “Anyway,” she drawls. “Let’s go over our inventory to see if we need to get anything specific at the market onWednesday.”
I nod, picking up the vase to put in the back and out of the way. But I spend the rest of the day looking at the flowers anyway, even if it’s something I made for myself.
Chapter 12
My phone rings from beneath the covers of my bed where it got lost somewhere in the haze of my afternoon nap.
I search for it bleary-eyed, snatching it up on the fifth ring and just managing to slide right and answer the call before it goes to voicemail.
“Hello.” Ben’s smooth voice perks me up, and I rise up from the twisted sheets like he just put a spell over me with one word. “How’s your day been?”
“Boring,” I answer, picking a piece of fuzz off the floral duvet.
“Plans for this evening?”
“Nope. Another typical Thursday.”
“Would you like to cook dinner with me?”
I blink. “Like a date? Cooking dinner?”
“I guess you could call it that. Whenever I really cook, it’s always enough for a small army because I can never make anything in small batches. I thought you might want to join me.”
“But you want me to help youcook?”
He laughs. “Why do you keep saying it like that?”
“Well, I hate to break it to you, but the only thing I can really make in the kitchen is scrambled eggs.”
“That’s fine, I’ll teach you.”
I bite my lip in order to stop myself from blurting out that I’m bad at following directions. Though, I have been partial to whenever he directs me—whenever I manage to put the brat in me away.
“Okay, I’ll trust that we won’t have to trash everything by the end.”
“Surely, we won’t. If it’s really that bad, then I promise we’ll order your favorite takeout and eat that instead.”
“Mmmm, you sure you don’t want to just do that instead? I love a good chicken tikka masala.”
“We can get that another time, I promise.”
“Fine,” I drawl. “But I’m holding you to it. No takesies-backsies.”
“My word is good for it.”
“Good. When do you want me to head over?”
“Now, if you’re ready.”
I glance down at the oversized shirt and the bike shorts I threw on last night before burrowing into bed like I was planning on hibernating.