Ben switches to my other side again, the last strikes right next to the first few.Swat. Swat.“Eight—nine.”
“Last one, baby girl.”
I could weep with joy if I wasn’t at least enjoying this a little bit. Because I am, so fucking much. As my skin burns and my blood pounds in my ears, all I can think is that I want him to do it again. To stop. To start. I want so much, it’s not enough.
This one steals my breath, muscles tensing as I strain to stay still. I suck in a gulp of air, arms shaking against my back. “T—ten.”
My hips rock forward, pushing back against his hand as he drops it to my ass, fingers tracing my skin. My breathing is ragged as carefully measured breaths fall to the wayside, and myarms fall from my back to grip the duvet for purchase as I bury my face into the fabric. Even though that was the end, the wordredstreaks across my tongue, but I bite it down because I can take this. I can take anything from him that he believes I can handle.
The crack of leather dropping to the ground is faint in my ear, the sound of my breath weighing heavy.
Then Ben’s nose is in my hair, lips at my neck, breath cool against my heated skin. He threads his fingers through my hair, tugging softly at my scalp and moving my hair out of his way. He trails slow, lingering kisses all the way up to my ear. “You did so fucking good. I’m so proud of you.”
Teeth at my earlobe send my hips rocking with the spasm of my clit. I feel dizzy with want that seems to consume every cell in my body. I can’t process his words beyondgood, something so fundamental and affecting that I get lost in the word. It burns my throat, bubbling up and up until it’s spilling from my lips in a barely there whisper, over and over.
Turning my face to the side, I bite down on my swollen lower lip, gnawing it between my teeth.
“Ben,” I say hoarsely before trying again, louder. “I just, I really—fuck, Ben, I need to come so bad.Please. Please make me come.”
He hovers over me, concern evident in the way his eyes sweep over my face. His frown makes me want to whine pathetically.
“That wasn’t too much?”
“If it was, I would have said red. Though I’m not going to lie, I was feeling a little floaty there for a second. But Ineedyou to put your fucking mouth on my pussy right now or so help me I’ll tie you to this bed and use your cock like my favorite dildo.”
His chuckle makes me bristle.
“Such a filthy mouth. I can’t wait to put it to good use.”
I open my eyes to squint at him, lips pressing into a thin line. “Ithoughtthe planwas that you were supposed to be puttingyoursto good use. I recall some very choice words coming out of that mouth of yours about making me come.”
He smirks as his fingers brush down the curve of my ass, smoothing his palm over my tender backside, eliciting a hiss from between my teeth. “I’m going to fuck that attitude right out of you.”
“You’d miss it too much.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t try.”
Ben presses my hips down toward the bed, one hand sliding up to grip my side, and then deftly flips me onto my back in a single smooth motion. I have to try really fucking hard to resist thinking of how many times he’s had to do that to manage it so smoothly like this.
Then his hands move suddenly to grip my upper arms, pushing me down against the bed with unyielding strength. His gaze sweeps over me, up and down, slowly, my cheeks heating at the intensity as my heart begins to thud in my chest more profoundly. My thighs clench together, my dress nearly at the top of my legs. The pointed toes of my heels barely scrape the floor, and I kick away my panties.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful. And you’re so fucking tiny. I could break you if I really wanted,” Ben groans, letting go of my arms to run a hand through his hair.
The way his gaze rakes over every part of me in slow assessment, the crease of his brow and the slight downturn of his mouth—I can’t have that, not right now. I want this. I want him.
My lips and tongue feel buzzy and I still feel the weight of him, the hard wrap of his fingers pressing over my arms even as they rake through the strands of his hair. The skin and muscles of my ass are sore, smarting, as I shift my knees apart, but his attention drops between my legs, right where I want it.
“I think I distinctly remember you saying you were going tohave your dessert, Ben. So get on your knees and fucking feast.”
A growl ripples from his throat, and Ben leans forward to grip the fabric of my dress between his hands at my stomach. Then heripsit apart, the line of buttons holding it together a faded memory as some of them bounce off the duvet andtink tinkas they hit the wood floor in a scatter.
I blink up at him.
“I hope that wasn’t expensive.”
“You can buy me another.” It was, like, eight dollars from one of those fast fashion stores online, it’s nothing in the scheme of things. I shrug out of the sleeves, and he yanks the rest of the ruined, green fabric out from under me to toss to the floor. My bra follows it as I shuck it off quickly.