Page 13 of Sugar Baby Mine

“Okay, great. Do you need a minute before ordering entrées or do you know what you’d like for that as well?” Jacob looks between us both.

“I already know what I’d like, but I don’t want to rush you. Take as much time as you need,” Ben says.

“That’s all right,” I say despite not having read a single word on any of these pages. I turn to look up at our waiter and hand him over the menu. “Is there anything you’d recommend to someone who’s never been here before?”

He lights up like a Christmas tree, and it’s actually so sweet. “Oh—there’s the abbacchio, but if you’re not a fan of lamb then maybe the rainbow trout? Or a non-meat option is our butter and sage tortellini.”

“The tortellini sounds great.”

“And for you, sir?”

“The pappardelle mimmo, please.”

“Got it. I’ll be back with your drinks momentarily.”

I give him a smile before turning back to Ben once Jacob is out of earshot.

“You were saying you’ve tried…?”

He’s silent for a moment before clearing his throat. “I’ve trieddating since separating from my ex-wife. Didn’t care for it.”

“In what way?”

“In the way that women think they’re entitled to more than I want to give.”

My eyebrows raise, and I lean back in my chair. It takes me a moment before I can muster up a reply. “So what makes you think that this is going to work any better?”

“Clear boundaries—a line in the sand. You know from the start what this is and what you’re getting out of it, same as me.”

“And what happens if you decide you want more one day? That you want a real girlfriend or a wife again?”

His eyes turn up to the ceiling briefly, and he strokes a hand across the grit of his jaw. “I won’t, but I’d end our arrangement.”

“And just enlighten me here,” I say, leaning forward. “What exactly do you want out of thisarrangement,Mr. Reed?”

Ben’s hand falls back to the table, rapping against the table in a slow, deliberate pattern. His eyes never stray from mine, though I still feel his gaze everywhere. “To fuck you—anytime I want you, anywhere.”

The way my panties are suddenly so fucking wet.

“I’m not a prostitute.”

“I know that.”

“Well, maybe this isn’t going to work then. I’m not denying that being a sugar baby includes sex work, but it still has to be a mutual companionship. Because as appealing as it sounds to get fucked and get paid, there’s gotta be a little more than that.”

Jacob slides up to the table just as my sentence ends with our drinks. I look up at him in thanks when the glass lands in front of me. His cheeks are pink, and he can’t look directly at me anymore.

Oh, poor puppy.

“Here are your drinks and some fresh bread. Your appetizers should be out in about ten, fifteen minutes or so. Then entrées tofollow.”

“Thank you.” I smile up at him, like my body isn’t burning all the way down to my toes. I pull my glass of water close like it’s going to do anything to help cool me off.

Jacob slinks away, his gaze dancing between us curiously before he fully disappears. Ben shifts in his seat, his expression unwavering. The stoicism of this man is unbelievable right now. I’m so jealous.

“That’s not all it’ll be.”

I squint at him. “Care to elaborate?”