Zylpha chuckles, a low, warm sound. "Oh, is that what you call it? I'd hate to see your idea of standoffish." She inclines her head toward the forest. "You've been standing by yourself for a half an hour looking like you were contemplating jumping into the fire yourself."
"I'm observant." She only nods to that.
We fall into an easy silence, watching the festivities around us. After a moment, Zylpha speaks again, her voice softer.
"So, what brings you to our little island paradise? Besides the obvious allure of bug bites and perpetual humidity."
I consider my answer carefully. "I bring supplies. From... elsewhere."
Her eyebrow arches. "Mysterious. I like it. Though I hope you brought some bug repellent in that last shipment. I'm starting to think the insects here see me as a walking buffet."
I find myself smiling despite myself. "I'll add it to the list for next time."
As we continue to talk, I feel something shift inside me. The idea of returning to the empty castle suddenly seems less appealing. For the first time in a long while, I find myself wanting to linger, to learn more about this intriguing woman and the sanctuary she's found here.
Ikneel in the damp soil, my fingers sinking into the earth as I plant another seedling. The sun's barely peeked over the horizon, but I'm already here in the garden. It's become my sanctuary, a place where I can breathe without feeling like I'm suffocating.
"Careful with that one," Elara, an older woman who has been her for a few months, says. "It's got a nasty bite if you're not gentle."
I nod, my eyes fixed on the delicate leaves. Everything here's different from what I knew before. The plants are vibrant, almost alive in a way I can't explain. Some have teeth, others change colors, and a few even seem to whisper. It's beautiful and terrifying all at once.
My hands shake as I pat the soil around the plant. I can still feel the phantom weight of those damn shackles. I flex my wrists, reminding myself they're gone. I'm free now. But am I really?
A twig snaps behind me, and I whirl around, heart pounding. It's just another gardener, but my pulse doesn't slow. I force a smile, but it feels more like a grimace.
"Sorry," I mutter, turning back to my work.
The others are kind, but I can't shake the feeling that it's all temporary. That any moment, I'll wake up back in that cell, cold stone against my back and darkness pressing in.
I lose myself in the repetitive motions of gardening. Dig, plant, water. It's soothing, in its way. The earth doesn't judge, doesn't expect anything from me. It just is.
As the garden comes to life around me, I catch snippets of conversation. Laughter, jokes, plans for the day ahead. Normal things. Things I used to take for granted.
I want to join in, to feel that easy camaraderie. But every time someone gets too close, I tense up. My mind screams danger, even though I know it's not. It's exhausting, being on edge all the time.
But here, with my hands in the soil and the scent of green things growing all around me, I can almost believe in a future. One where I'm not just surviving, but living. It's a fragile hope, as delicate as the seedlings I'm tending. But it's there, taking root in the fertile soil of Aurelius.
I'm hunched over a row of star-shaped fruits, their silvery skin shimmering in the morning light. My fingers brush against their delicate stems, marveling at how something so beautiful can exist in a world that's been so cruel.
A shadow falls across my work, and I tense. My heart races as I look up, ready to bolt. But it's Volezimir, the demon who arrived yesterday. His massive frame — and yes, he is massive; at least eight feet tall — blocks out the sun, yet there's something oddly comforting about his presence.
And he's also so attractive it's hard to think straight around him. Tall, muscular, with those stunning eyes. I can only imagine how useful those horns must been when stradd?—
"Zylpha," he says, his deep voice rumbling like distant thunder.
"Volezimir." I lean back and wipe my hands on my pants. "What brings you by the gardens."
A dangerous smirk dances across his lips. Dangerous to me because it makes my heart stutter. "I found a hidden waterfall while exploring, and I thought… Would you like to see it?"
I hesitate. Every instinct screams at me to refuse, to retreat to the safety of solitude. But there's something in his golden eyes that draws me in. They're nothing like the cold, cruel eyes of the dark elves who held me captive.
"I... I don't know," I stammer, hating how weak I sound. "Is it far?"
He shakes his head, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Not too far. We'd be back before midday."