I nod. "What about the supplies? Who will bring things to Aurelius if we need it?"
"I've arranged for a trusted friend to make regular deliveries," he explains. "He's actually been doing it since I came looking for you."
I consider this, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over me. Volezimir has truly considered every angle, working tirelessly to ensure our family's safety and comfort.
"Thank you," I whisper, leaning into him. "For all of this. I know leaving Galmoleth isn't easy for you."
He wraps an arm around me, pulling me close. "Zylpha, you and Kaelox are my home now. Wherever you are, that's where I want to be."
Istep through the portal, Zylpha's hand in mine and Kaelox perched on my shoulders. The familiar scent of Aurelius hits me - salt air, lush vegetation, and something indefinably wild. It's a stark contrast to the sulfurous atmosphere of Galmoleth, yet surprisingly, it feels like coming home.
The sight of the dense, vibrant forests and the glittering beaches stretching out before us takes my breath away. I've been here countless times before, but now, seeing it through the eyes of my family, it's like I'm truly seeing it for the first time.
I glance at Zylpha, and my heart swells. Her face is radiant, eyes shining with joy and relief. The tension she's been carrying since we left Galmoleth seems to melt away with each breath of Aurelius' air. This, I realize, is where she belongs. Where we belong.
"Look, Dad!" Kaelox chirps from above me, pointing excitedly at a flock of brightly colored birds taking flight from a nearby tree. His enthusiasm is infectious, and I can't help but grin.
As we make our way down the path, I spot Lamain and June waiting for us. Their faces break into warm smiles as we approach.
"Welcome home," Lamain says, his deep voice carrying a note of genuine pleasure. It strikes me then how much has changed. Once, I served him as a Prince. Now, we stand as equals, both of us having found our true purpose in the families we've built.
June steps forward, embracing Zylpha tightly. "We've missed you so much," she murmurs, then turns to me with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Even you, you big lug."
I chuckle, surprising myself with how natural it feels. "Missed you too, troublemaker," I retort, earning a laugh from both women.
As we begin to walk towards the settlement, I feel a sense of peace settling over me. The worries and dangers of Galmoleth seem distant here, like a half-remembered nightmare. I know we'll face new challenges, but here, surrounded by the raw beauty of Aurelius and the warmth of true friendship, I'm ready to face whatever comes our way.
June takes us toward the temporary home we'll be in, and I set Kaelox down. He's already eager to take in his new home, looking far more relaxed than he ever did on Galmoleth.
I watch as Kaelox darts across the lush grass, his laughter echoing off the villa's walls. The sight of him so carefree, so unburdened, fills me with a warmth I never knew I could feel.
"Dad! Look at this!" he calls out, holding up a shimmering seashell he's found. His eyes, one gold like mine, one green like Zylpha's, sparkle with excitement.
I crouch down beside him, marveling at the simple beauty of the shell. "It's beautiful, son," I say, ruffling his hair. The texture of it, a mix of my coarse demon hair and Zylpha's silky human strands, reminds me of the unique blend he is.
Zylpha joins us, her arms full of linens for the bedrooms. "Having fun already?" she asks, her smile as radiant as the sun.
I stand, taking the linens from her. "Let me help with that, Sunshine," I say, glad that she finally looks like her moniker again.
As we walk back to the villa, I'm struck by the peace that permeates this place. The air is clean and crisp, carrying the scent of salt and tropical flowers. It's so different from the sulfurous, chaotic energy of Galmoleth. I realize I never truly appreciated it during my previous visits.
Inside, I help Zylpha make up the beds while Kaelox continues his exploration. The villa is spacious and airy, with large windows that let in plenty of natural light. It's a far cry from the dark, oppressive architecture of demon dwellings.
"It's perfect," Zylpha says, catching me lost in thought. "Isn't it?"
I nod, pulling her close. "It is. I never realized how much I needed this... this peace."
As the day progresses, I find myself constantly pausing to take in our surroundings. The way the sunlight dances on the ocean, the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze, the distant calls of exotic birds - it's all so vivid, so alive. I wonder how I never noticed it before.
As night falls, Zylpha and I tuck Kaelox into his new bed. The room is cozy, with walls painted in soothing blues and greens that remind me of the ocean just beyond our windows. Kaelox's eyes are heavy with sleep, but he still manages a drowsy smile.
"Goodnight, little one," I murmur, my voice low and gentle. It still surprises me sometimes, how soft I can be with him.
Zylpha leans down, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Sweet dreams, my love," she whispers.