“I’ll ride by myself. You two can ride together,” Chloe offers.
We join the line. Natalia bounces up and down.
“Do you have to go to the bathroom?” I ask although I’m pretty sure I know the answer.
“I can wait.”
Chloe feigns a grimace. “I can’t. Do you want to go with me?” She hands me her soda. “Hold our place in line.”
When they’ve been gone ten minutes, I start to get worried. I’m reaching for my phone to call Chloe when I hear her.
“My husband is holding our spot.”
“I don’t care. I’ve been waiting here for fifteen minutes with no one to hold my spot. Maybe I need to go to the bathroom,” a woman says. I crane my neck but I can’t see either one of them.
“Go ahead,” Chloe tells her. “I’ll hold your spot.”
“It was hypothetical.”
“You don’t need to pee?”
“Then, why are you making a fuss? Come on, Natalia.”
“But you’re cutting in the line.”
“What’s your email address?” Chloe asks.
“My email address? What do you need my email for?”
“I’ll send you some information about what cutting a line is. Because this ain’t it.”
People laugh before Natalia and Chloe come into view.
“What took you so long?” I ask.
“The line for the restroom is nearly as long as this line.” Chloe winks at Natalia.
The line moves and it’s our turn to board the rollercoaster. Chloe rushes toward the back. She helps Natalia into the last car of the rollercoaster before sitting in the spot in front of her. I join Natalia and make certain she’s strapped in.
Chloe glances back at us. “Who’s excited?”
I frown at the empty seat beside her. We should have another child. One of each. A boy and a girl. I bet I can convince Chloe to have my baby.
The ride starts and we begin a slow ascent to the highest point of the rollercoaster.
“I don’t feel very good,” Natalia whines.
I groan. “Please don’t throw up.”
“Deep breaths through your nose and count backward from one hundred by fives,” Chloe suggests.
“100. 95. 90. 85. 80.”
We reach the peak and fly down the other side.
“Whoo hoo!” Chloe shouts and Natalia joins her. Her nausea completely forgotten.