Page 90 of After the Vows

Lucas prowls toward me. “Stop.”

“Stop what? Eating sugar? I just said I refuse to.”

He palms my neck and places his forehead against mine. “Stop thinking about your mother.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re the one who brought her up last night. During sex, I might add.”

He squeezes my neck. “Because I can’t stand how you cringe whenever anyone says you’re beautiful. You are beautiful. You should be able to hear the word without freaking out.”

“I’m not freaking out now.” Maybe a little bit but at least I didn’t cringe.

He grins. “Because I fucked your hatred of the word right out of you.”

I gasp. “You did not!”

“Are you certain? I can replay what happened for you.”

Dang it. He called my bluff. “I thought you were going to make me breakfast.”

He whirls me around and prods me toward the bathroom with a pat on my ass. “Do your thing. I’ll have breakfast waiting for you.”

Gotta love a man who knows how to pick his battles. And, yes, this is the man I love. I clutch my chest. I can’t believe I fell in love with my fake husband.

I force the panic away. I’m not going to worry about the future. I’m going to enjoy the moment. The future will have to sort itself out.

When I enter the kitchen a few minutes later, Lucas is at the stove flipping pancakes without a shirt on. I study his broad back as his muscles bunch with his actions. I want to feel those muscles move beneath my hands.

Hey. Wait a minute. I can.

I join him at the stove and wrap my arms around him. He glances over his shoulder and smiles at me. This man’s smile is dangerous.

I’d do crazy things to see his smile every single morning for the rest of my life. Such as marry him to protect his daughter and then fall in love with him. It’s official. Ihavedone crazy things.

“There’s coffee in the pot.”

I kiss his shoulder before releasing him. “Do you need a top up?”

I fiddle with the coffees and pour us some orange juice while he finishes up the pancakes. He slides a stack of three pancakes on my plate.

“Don’t worry. There’s more.”

I giggle. “Smart man.”

“I have a daughter. I know to keep the pancakes coming.”

I glance at Natalia’s empty spot at the table. “Is it crazy to say I miss her?”

Lucas squeezes my hand. “You love her. Of course, you miss her.”

“She’s very loveable.”

The door bangs open and Natalia bursts inside. “I’m home!”

“Speak of the devil,” Lucas mutters before standing to hug her. “Welcome home, cupcake. Did you have fun?”

“We had a ball! We played flashlight tag and cornhole and then we made smores on the firepit outside. Can we get a firepit?”

“I’ll think about it,” Lucas says.