Page 77 of After the Vows

“Y-y-you need to call your dad,” I stutter.

“But Clo-Clo,” she whines.

“No, I’m sorry, Natalia. But he needs to know. He should have been here for this meeting.”

Lucas didn’t get a chance to have his say and now he’s going to lose his mind. And Natalia will not be the one he’s angry with.

I only hope he doesn’t end our marriage now. I’m not ready to let him go.

I’m afraid I never will be.


Chapter 26

Pull your head out of your ass – when you change the deal


“Did your kid learn your right hook from you?” Weston asks.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You didn’t hear? Natalia got in trouble for punching some bully at summer camp. She didn’t phone you?”

I dig out my phone as it begins to ring.

“Someone’s in trouble,” Weston sings as he backs out of the locker room.

“Natalia. What happened?” I answer.

“It’s not a big deal.”

Which means it is a big deal. But her punching a kid is not a discussion I want to have on the phone.

“Where are you?”

“Chloe’s taking me home.”

“Chloe’s there?”

“Don’t be mad at her. I phoned her instead of you but when she found out I hadn’t contacted you, she made me call you.”

“I’m not mad at Chloe.” I’m relieved she showed up for my daughter again. Despite how I was an asshole and told her Natalia’s my daughter to deal with.

“Good because Chloe’s worried.”

She doesn’t need to worry because things between us are about to change. I’m pulling my head out of my ass.

“I’ll meet you at home.”

By the time I make it home, Chloe’s bike is in front of the garage. Good. They’re here. I open the door and Natalia rushes to me.

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I know I shouldn’t have punched Sheila but she pushed me. She always pushes me. And says nasty things about me. She calls me a bastard.”

Chloe growls. “You didn’t tell me about the name calling.”

Natalia shrugs and her cheeks darken.