I giggle. I actually do know that. I also know I will never pull a prank involving sheep ever again. Give me a raccoon any day. They’ll do anything for food.
“Every single time we thought we had all of the sheep corralled in the correct location, one of them would get a hair up his ass and escape. And the rest of the flock would follow.”
“You look pretty good for someone who spent the past three hours chasing after sheep.”
“I showered at the station. Shit. I should have called you back then. I’m so used to my mom and dad knowing about the job and how I can be late, I didn’t think to check my phone and make sure everything went well with picking up Natalia.” He glances around. “Where is she anyway?”
“She’s at a sleepover with her friend, Piper.”
He freezes. “What did you say?”
“Did all the bleating affect your ears?”
A muscle in his jaw ticks. “I can’t believe you let Natalia go to a sleepover.”
“Are you mad?”
“Hell yeah, I am.”
“Why? I don’t understand what you’re this mad about. I checked with Piper’s parents. They will be home all night. They have a list of Natalia’s allergies and all of our phone numbers.”
“Because Natalia ismydaughter. Not yours.”
Pain slices through me at his words. He’s right. Natalia isn’t mine. This is a game we’re playing to appease his ex. None of it is real.
But I don’t back down. I never do.
I poke his chest. “How would it have looked if I said I couldn’t give Natalia permission? Huh? We’re supposed to be married. I’m supposed to be her stepmother. Do stepmothers have no rights?”
He captures my hand. “You’re not Natalia’s stepmother, though, are you?”
Kick me while I’m down, will you? News flash. This girl doesn’t stay down for long.
I glare at him. “Don’t you dare blame me. If you would have just answered your phone, I could have checked with you.”
“Now, it’s my fault?”
“Yes, you big buffoon. You can’t ask me to help out with Natalia and then get mad when I give her permission to sleep over at a friend’s house. It’s one or the other. I help or I’m not involved. What do you want? Do you want me to move back into my house?”
He growls before using his hold on my hand to haul me near. I slam into his chest with an oomph.
“Stop talking.”
“I can—”
I don’t manage to finish my sentence before his lips slam down on mine. His kiss is hard. But I don’t care. The feel of his lips against mine is all I need. If this is supposed to be punishment, I’m going to be bad more often. Maybe all the time.
He thrusts his tongue into my mouth and I suck on it. He tastes of musk, mint, and man. It’s a heady combination. It’s the taste I remember from our wedding day. One I’ve imagined ever since.
He moans and presses his hard cock against my stomach. I gasp at the feel of his hard length against me.
“I’m going to fuck that attitude right out of you.”
My entire body goes up in flames at his declaration. “You can try.”
He throws me over his shoulder.
I should probably stop him. This is a bad idea. Trust me. I know. I’m an expert at bad ideas. But I couldn’t stop him now if I wanted to.