Chapter 17
Mermaid Mini Golf – an excuse to drink beer and whiskey
Sophia sticks her head in my office. “Let’s go.”
“Go where? Drunk poker isn’t tonight.”
She rolls her eyes. “Duh. It’s Mermaid Mini Golf night.”
I nearly groan. Mermaid Mini Golf is a monthly tradition I started. Since my friends and I were all beyond busy trying to getFive Fathoms Brewingup and running, we didn’t spend much leisure time together. I missed my friends and insisted on this new tradition.
And now I’m regretting it. Tonight is one of the few evenings I have off. I want to spend it with Lucas and Natalia. But I’m not about to confess to my best friend about how I want to spend the night with my fake family.
Although, Lucas and Natalia don’t feel fake to me. They feel very, very real. They feel like a promise of something great. Something I don’t deserve but wish I could have.
“I can’t go. I promised Lucas I’d help Natalia tonight.”
Sophia snorts. “It’s cute you think you can lie to me.”
“I’m not lying.”
“You always tap your bottom lip when you’re lying.”
She points to me and I realize I am indeed tapping my lip. “Sometimes I wish you never moved home.”
“Liar. You love me and you know it. Now, switch off your computer and put on your golf shoes, it’s time for Mermaid Mini Golf.”
“You don’t wear golf shoes for mini golf.”
“Good.” She nods. “You’re ready then.”
I hold up a hand. “I need to phone Lucas and tell him I won’t be home for dinner.”
“Hey,” Lucas answers the phone. “Are you almost finished? Dinner is nearly ready.”
I scowl. I want to be home eating dinner with Lucas and Natalia. Not playing mini golf with my friends.
“Actually, I forgot I have this monthly tradition to play mini golf with my friends.”
He chuckles. “I’ll warn the on-duty officer.”
“Hey now. I’m not always getting in trouble.”
“And Natalia won’t throw a fit when I force her to eat cauliflower tonight.”
“Ugh. Gross. Cauliflower.”
“Have fun. I’ll see you when you get home.”
Home.I love the idea of Lucas and Natalia being my home. Of going home to them every night. Of spending every evening with them watching silly programs on television. Of waking up every morning knowing they’re in the house and I’m not alone.
Although, I would prefer to wake up next to Lucas every morning. I’ve fantasized about his naked chest more than is healthy. I’ve dreamed about exploring his skin with my tongue every night. The man is a star in my dreams.
“What’s the holdup?” Nova asks as she barges into my office with Maya on her heels.
“Judging by the dreamy look on Chloe’s face, she’s thinking about Lucas,” Maya says.