“What’s the problem, Oliver?” Weston asks.
“There’s a group of women fighting at theSiren’s Spiralrollercoaster.”
“Women?” Weston asks. “TheSiren’s Spiralis meant for children.”
“Your sister loves theSiren’s Spiralrollercoaster,” Oliver says.
Weston sighs. “I know the way.”
We make our way through the amusement park to the rollercoaster. We pass various rides:Carol Carousel– a classic carousel ride with sea creature-shaped seats,Atlantis Adventure– a ride through the lost city of Atlantis,Kraken’s Drop– a drop tower ride with a giant sea monster,Grotto Rapids– a water raft ride, andTriton’s Twister– a spinning teacup ride. The list goes on and on.
We finally reach theSiren’s Spiral. A crowd is gathered in front of the line for the ride where a shouting match is happening.
“I was here first, bitch!” a blonde woman screeches at a short woman with dark hair and glasses.
“Could you refrain from using adult language in front of the children?” the dark haired woman asks.
“I’ll use whatever language I want, bitch!”
“And you weren’t first. You left the line.”
“I went to the bathroom.”
“You were gone fifteen minutes and returned with a tray of nachos.”
“What’s your point? I’m not standing in line. I’m not some loser.”
“You can’t budge in line. All of these people have been patiently waiting their turn to ride the rollercoaster.”
“Boo!” the crowd roars at the blonde.
“Why are we here?” I ask Weston. “The police aren’t needed for this.”
He rocks back on his heels as he observes the women shouting at each other. “Just wait. Trust me.”
I return my attention to the women.
The dark haired woman frowns. “I am not a loser and I don’t appreciate your tone of voice in front of my child.”
“Mom, I’m not a child.”
The blonde points at the little girl. “Even your kid thinks you’re a loser.”
“I am not a loser.”
“Oh yeah. Would a loser have cheese all over her shirt?” The blonde throws the nachos at the other woman before dumping a soda over her head.
The dark-haired woman removes her glasses. “I tried to be nice,” she mumbles before lifting her hand and decking the other woman in the face with her fist.
The blonde falls to the ground screaming, “Assault! She assaulted me.”
Weston and I rush forward. I detain the short woman with glasses while Weston helps the blonde to stand.
“I didn’t do anything wrong,” the blonde screams as she tries to wrench out of his hold.
“I know I shouldn’t have punched her,” the dark-haired woman says to me. “Would you allow me to phone my husband to mind my child while you arrest me?”