Page 40 of After the Vows

Chloe still hasn’t emerged from the bathroom. If she’s anything like my ex, it’ll be a while. I don’t want to go to sleep before she’s finished. I’ll watch some television while I wait. Except when I plop down on the sofa in the living area, I realize there’s no television in here.

“Damnit,” Chloe mutters.

I’m on my feet and at the door to the bathroom before I realize I’ve moved. “Chloe.” I knock on the door. “What’s wrong?”

“My hair’s stuck.”

“Can I come in?”

“The door’s unlocked.”

I nearly swallow my tongue when I walk inside and see what she’s wearing now. She has on the smallest pair of pajama shorts in the history of the world. She’s paired them with a tank top.

“Can you help?”

I force my gaze away from her breasts and imagining what color her nipples are.

“What happened?”

Chloe’s hair is a complete mess. The front tumbles down her face but the back is twisted.

“I can’t get the hairpins out.”

“Sit down.” I motion to the chair in front of the vanity.

“Please be careful. I’m not one of those women who look good without hair.”

I disagree. Chloe is gorgeous, with or without hair. She’s a classic beauty with her alabaster skin and auburn hair. She could wear a garbage sack and still be gorgeous.

“You’re beautiful with or without hair.”

She scowls. “I don’t want to be beautiful.”

“What’s wrong with being beautiful?”

“The only thing my mom cared about was being beautiful. The lengths she went to…”

I frown. “What did she do?”

“I don’t want to discuss it.” She motions to her hair. “Can you help or do I need to phone someone else?”

I growl. No one else is seeing her in her tiny sleep shorts and tank top. “I got this.”

I tilt her head forward and begin my search for bobby pins. I remove them one by one until Chloe’s hair tumbles down her back and she sighs in relief.

I comb my fingers through her hair to get out the tangles.

Chloe moans. “You’re good at this.”

I ignore how my cock enjoys the sound of her moan. “I’m a girl dad.”

“Natalia is lucky to have you.”

I finish untangling her hair and squeeze her shoulders. “I’m sorry you didn’t have a dad growing up.”

She shrugs. “I had Sophia’s dad.” She grins. “Jack is the best. He’s probably spoiling Natalia rotten now.”

“She should be in bed but considering she ate two pieces of cake and drank a crate of coke, she’s probably running around the house driving Weston’s parents crazy.”