Page 21 of After the Vows


My heart squeezes as I watch Sophia and Flynn declare their love for each other in front of the whole island. Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy for them. But I also realize this is the beginning of the end. All of my friends will fall in love and then where will I be? Alone. Again.

Just like when Mom would— Nope. I shake those thoughts out of my mind. I am not thinking about Mom today. Or any other day.

I stand. “Who wants some Mermaid Moonshine?”

Today is the Moonshine and Merriment Festival. Thus, Flynn dressing up as a pirate and declaring Sophia his wench. A pirate fight is part of the festival tradition. Although, usually, it’sa pretend fight and not a man actually declaring his love to my best friend.

The best part about the festival is Mermaid Moonshine. We love our moonshine on Smuggler’s Hideaway but Mermaid Moonshine is especially beloved. It’s Smuggler’s Hideaway moonshine mixed with blue curaçao and edible glitter. It makes your tongue turn blue but it’s totally worth it.

“I’ll go with you,” Maya says.

I wave away her offer. “I’m good.”

I need a second to myself. A second to let my guard down. A second to not be the happy, crazy friend everyone counts on to lighten the mood. My happiness is a complete act but my friends don’t notice. They never do.

The line for drinks is a mile long. Good. I can have more than a minute to myself.


I wave at Natalia. My little next door neighbor is sweet and adorable. Too bad her sexy dad has no interest in me.

“Oof,” I say when she barrels into me.

“This festival is the best. There were two pirates fighting.”

“Guess what?”


“I know those two pirates. One is my best friend’s boyfriend and the other is her brother.”

She gasps. “Wow.”

I ruffle her hair. “Don’t be impressed. Smuggler’s Hideaway is a small place. Soon enough you’ll know everyone on the island who’s around your age.”

She frowns. “I hope they’re not all mean.”

“Mean? Who’s being mean to you?”

She rolls her eyes. “You remind me of Dad. What did she do, Natalia? You should report her, Natalia.” She mimics Lucas’s deep voice.

“I don’t believe in reporting bullies. I believe in getting even.”

Her eyes widen. “Getting even? How do you get even?”

“Natalia, Natalia, Natalia. Have you not been introduced to the wonderful world of pranks yet?”

Her nose wrinkles. “Pranks are bad.”

I tweak her nose. “Now you sound like your dad.”

She shrugs. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt. I just want Sheila to be nice to me.”

“Sheila? Is Sheila here today?” Natalia may think pranks are bad, but I don’t. “A bee in Sheila’s brownie will teach her.” Not a real bee. A fake bee will do the trick.

Natalia giggles. “You’re silly.”