Page 19 of After the Vows


Iclimb the stairs from the bar and restaurant atFive Fathomsto the offices where Sophia, Nova, and Maya are working. I can’t help the smile from spreading across my face. Sophia’s home. I missed my best friend.

I peek my head into the office. “I’m going for a coffee run toPirates Pastries. Who wants what?”

Sophia groans. “I need a coffee.”

Maya giggles. “No sleep with Flynn last night?”

My happiness dims. Sophia is with the man she’s wanted since for-freaking-ever. But he’s also the man who drove her away from Smuggler’s Hideawayandthe man who’s keeping her a secret. I’m not impressed.

“Tell us more. Tell us more,” Nova chants.

“Yeah, Sophia, tell us all about how Flynn can’t wait to shout to the world about how much he wants you.”

Sophia scowls at me. “It’s complicated. He’s mybrother's best friend.”

I don’t understand why Flynn being Weston’s best friend is an issue. Weston’s a cool guy. I can’t count the number of times he looked the other way when we got in trouble in high school. He didn’t even arrest us when a sheep ended up in his squad car. Which he shouldn’t have. Since we had nothing to do with the entire situation.

Nova jumps to her feet. “No fighting.”

I sigh. I don’t want to fight with Sophia. She’s been my best friend since I saw her get dropped off at kindergarten by her mom. When her mom kissed her and told her she loved her, I knew Sophia was going to be my best friend. I would have done anything to be near a mom who loved her daughter.

“I need coffee. What does everyone want?”

Sophia stands. “I’ll go with. I could use a break.”

Nova grabs her purse. “I’m in.”

“Don’t forget me.” Maya rushes after us. “I need a shipwreck cookie.”

Nova frowns. “I prefer a Blackbeard’s revenge cookie.”

“Revenge cookie? Who do we need to prank?”

I have a pretty good idea who Nova’s annoyed with but I can’t resist teasing her. Nova is all sunshine and smiles and ‘life is wonderful’ unless we’re talking about a certain someone.

We exit the rear door and Paisley hurries toward us. “What are you doing here?”

She purses her lips. “Am I not allowed to join my friends for coffee?”

“Sorry.” I immediately backpedal. “I just figured you were busy concocting some special recipe for a super secret beer you’re working on.”

She grins. “I am working on a special recipe but I have time for a coffee break.”

“You’re certain it won’t explode while you’re away?”

“My experiments don’t always explode.”

I giggle. “But they do sometimes.”

“High school experiments don’t count.”

I lock arms with Sophia and we head towardPirates Pastries.The bakery isn’t far. Nothing’s far in the town of Smuggler’s Rest. I love it. I love knowing all the locals. I love not wasting time on commuting back and forth to work. And I seriously love how close my friends are.

Although, since we’re all busy with the brewery, we don’t have as much time to socialize as we used to. If it were up to me, we’d live in a big house together and spend all of our free time hanging out. Maybe then I wouldn’t be lonely.

I push thoughts of loneliness away. I have everything I want with me now. There’s no need to be melancholy at the moment.