Page 15 of After the Vows

I chuckle. “He did? I called him earlier, remember?”

He scratches his beard. “I’m ready for this hazing to end already.”

“I don’t think he’s hazing you. I think he’s being Weston.”

He growls. “You know Weston well?”

“Yep. We grew up together and he’s my best friend’s older brother.”

He narrows his eyes on me. “And you were involved?”

I rear back. “Involved? Me? With Weston? He’s a complete man whore.”

“Says the woman who showed up at my house wearing nothing but a raincoat.”

My cheeks warm but I ignore them. “I had shoes on, too.”

Silence falls and I rush to fill it. I’m not good with silence. It brings back too many memories.

“Anyway, as you must have figured out, Natalia got her period for the first time today. She didn’t seem prepared at all.”

He scowls. “Holly, my ex, wasn’t much of a mother.”

I figured as much. “Natalia was pretty embarrassed the other kids knew what happened, but I think she’s okay now. A pretty manicure can cure a lot of problems.”

“Speaking of which.” He reaches for his wallet.

I wave him away. “Don’t worry about it. I had a two-for-one coupon.”

“And the other stuff? Her supplies?”

He shoves a fifty-dollar bill in my hand and I accept it. “I’ll make you a list of the things she needs. And if she has any questions, I’m next door. I gave her my phone number if she wants to talk.”

“Thank you.”

“No need to thank me. I know how it feels not to have—” I cut myself off before I confess to all of my mommy issues.

Lucas steps closer to crowd me. “Not to have what?”

“Never mind. We’re discussing Natalia. Not me.”

I inch backward toward the door. He shackles my wrist to stop me. Heat shoots from his hand to my skin. It feels comfortable and exciting at the same time. I bite my tonguebefore I gasp. Lucas doesn’t want me. There’s no reason for me to embarrass myself by letting him know how much I want him.

“Thank you. I mean it.” He squeezes my wrist before releasing me and stepping back.

I immediately miss the feel of him touching me. I want his arms surrounding me, keeping me safe and warm.

I shake my head. This is not me. I don’t need a man to keep me safe and warm. I’m Chloe. I can do it all on my own.

“Y-y-ou’re welcome,” I stutter before fleeing his house.

Chapter 6

Ex-wife – the reason the ‘ignore call’ option was invented


“Did everything work out okay yesterday with Natalia?” Weston asks once we’re in our vehicle cruising toward the boardwalk.