Page 123 of After the Vows


“Are they—”

I place my finger over her lips before she can offer another insane suggestion.

“It’s my parents.”

“Your parents? As in Dad Lucas and Mama Flo?”


“Awesome. We’re getting a dog.”

Just when I think I’ve peeled back all the layers of her, she surprises me with another layer to reveal.

“What? I don’t follow. I tell you my parents are moving in next door and your response is we’re getting a dog?”

“If Dad and Mama Flo are next door, they can walk our dog if you have an emergency and have to work late or if I’m pulling a double shift at the restaurant.”

I know Chloe loves my parents. But it’s one thing to love your in-laws when they live several states away. It’s another thing for them to live next door to you.

“That’s it?”

Her brow wrinkles. “What’s it?”

“You’re not mad?”

“Why would I be mad? Am I supposed to be mad? Is this because you want to have make up sex? We don’t have to argue to have sex.”

She grabs my cock and squeezes. I moan. I grit my teeth and shackle her wrist to remove her hand. I need to make sure she’s okay with this latest development before I bury myself inside her.

“You’re seriously okay with my parents living next door?”

“I love your parents.”

“I love them, too, but they’ll be right next door to us. Mom will pop in for coffee and Dad will do our yardwork without us asking him to.”

“Great. I hate yardwork.”

“Wildcat, you’re not hearing me.”

Her nose wrinkles. “Are you trying to get me mad? Is this the make up sex thing again?”

“Your mind works in mysterious ways.”

She beams. “Thank you.”

“You won’t mind how involved they are in our lives? Because they will be very involved.”

“They’ll be involved in their granddaughter’s life, too. They’ll be there when she has school plays or track meets. When she goes to prom, her grandparents will be there to snap pictures. I think it’s great Natalia will have her grandparents close by.”

Typical Chloe. She’s putting Natalia before herself again. Why she ever thought she’d be a bad mother is beyond me.

“But they’ll be next door and involved in our lives, too.”

“Good. They can babysit Natalia whenever we want a little alone time.”

I cup her cheeks. “You’re really okay with this?”