“She’s also a girl. A girl should live with her mother.”
I snort. “Which is why you prepared her for getting her first period.”
She shrugs. “I wasn’t here. I couldn’t prepare her.”
“You weren’t here because you didn’t want to be. You didn’t fight me when I asked for full custody of Natalia when we divorced.”
“Yes, well. Things have changed.”
I narrow my eyes. “Things have changed? I beg to differ. You obviously don’t have any more interest in Natalia than you did when we were married.”
I wanted to tear her from limb to limb when she brushed off Natalia. Lucky for me, Chloe stepped in or I would be in jail for assault now. My wife was fucking magnificent. I want to be with her and not having this ridiculous conversation with Holly. I’m not changing my mind on a damn thing anyway.
“Like I said. Things have changed.”
What things could have possibly changed? What could…
I shake my head when I realize what’s happening. I should have realized this before. Holly wants money.
“You want child support. What happened to your latest boyfriend? Did he kick you out?”
She winces. Gotcha! She’s after money.
“You can’t use child support to support your lavish lifestyle. Child support is for the child.”
“A child needs somewhere to live, food to eat. If I use the money for rent and food, it’s not wrong.”
She doesn’t even bother denying she wants custody for the child support money. This has nothing to do with wanting to spend time with her daughter.
“You can get a job and earn money for rent and food.”
“I don’t have time to work.”
“What the hell are you doing with your time that prevents you from having time to work?”
“You wouldn’t understand.”
In other words, she’s doing what she’s always done. Getting manicures and pedicures on a weekly basis. Going to lunch with her girlfriends who have rich husbands. And shopping for clothes she can’t afford.
“You disgust me.”
“Whatever. There’s no judge in this world who won’t give a mother custody of her daughter.”
I cross my arms over my chest and glare down at her. “You’re wrong. Natalia is part of a loving family. A judge isn’t going to rip her away from it.”
“Did you forget your marriage is a sham?”
“My marriage is not a sham. Chloe is my wife.” And she always will be. I’m not letting her go.
“I’ll prove otherwise and the judge will agree with me having custody.”
“Bring it on, Holly. I will fight you every step of the way.”
She purses her lips. “You want Natalia to be a witness to us fighting?”
Of course, I don’t want Natalia to watch her parents fight over her in court. But I’m not letting Holly steal my daughter because she needs money.
“She’ll witness a dad fighting for his daughter. There’s nothing wrong there.”