Damn. I forgot I was standing here naked for a minute.
“I was going to ask to borrow some butter from you to bake a cake but now I’m craving a muffin fromPirates Pastries.I’ll catch you later.” I wave as I back away. “Nice meeting you, Natalia.”
As soon as I’m off his porch, I motor over to my house as quick as I can in these shoes. When I’m home, I put on some clothes before jumping on my bike. I don’t know where I’m going but I want to be far, far away from Lucas and his daughter.
Humiliation, my old friend, has come for a visit but I’m not answering the door.
Chapter 4
Hazing – when the new kid gets teased by the other kids. May involve a grumpy seal.
Iidle the truck at the curb in front of the park. “You sure you’re going to be okay?”
I signed Natalia up for a sports camp for the rest of the summer. I don’t want her home alone all day during the school break. Plus, this will be a great way for her to make some friends on the island.
She huffs. “I’m twelve, Dad. I’m not a baby.”
“You have your lunch?”
She holds up her packed lunch.
“And you know how to get home when camp is finished?”
She rolls her eyes. “There are these things called phones. They’re pretty handy. I can look up an address and directions on one.”
I didn’t want to get her a smartphone. She’s too young for one. I want her to play outside and meet friends. Not spend the day staring at a screen. But my ex gave her an iPhone as a gift. I refuse to be the bad guy who doesn’t allow her to receive gifts from her mom.
I ruffle her hair. “Smart alec.”
“Any more questions? Or can I join the other kids?”
“Get out of here.”
“Bye, Dad!”
She jumps out of the truck – I’m not allowed to help her out anymore – and rushes toward the other kids waiting in front of the sports park. She doesn’t know any of them but she doesn’t hesitate. That’s my girl.
A car honks behind me and I drive away. Natalia doesn’t bother to glance in my direction. I don’t know how I’m going to survive her teenage years. Her pre-teen years are brutal enough.
I arrive at the police station in Smuggler’s Rest less than five minutes later. Although there are two smaller towns on the island – Pirate’s Perch and Rogue’s Landing – Smuggler’s Rest is the only town with a police station on the island of Smuggler’s Hideaway.
I grab my bag and make my way into the station. I had a tour of the station when I was here for my interview so I know my way to the locker rooms.
“Hey,” I greet the other man in the room when I enter.
“You must be the newbie.”
I sigh. Let the hazing begin.
I offer him my hand. “Lucas.”
He grins. “Weston.”
I know the name. “My new partner.”
He nods. “During your training period. We usually do individual patrols on the island.” He slams his locker shut. “I’ll see you at roll call.”