She squirms to get down and I steady her. “Mom! It is you! You’re here!” She darts across the room and throws herself at her mom.
Holly purses her lips as she pats Natalia’s back. “Hello, Natalia.”
“I’m excited you came to visit. You’re going to love Smuggler’s Hideaway,” Natalia rattles on. Her sickness completely forgotten. “They have mermaids and seals and there’s the beach. The water is cold but it’s okay once you get used to it. We can build sand castles together.”
Holly steps away from Natalia. “We can discuss what we’ll do together after I speak to your father. Now run along with your nanny while the grownups speak.”
Natalia’s shoulders slump forward in disappointment. Her bottom lip trembles. “But Mom…”
Holly scowls. “No begging. It’s unbecoming.”
Unbecoming? Is this woman serious? Her daughter, who she hasn’t seen for a year, is excited to see her and she brushes her off. And then gets annoyed when Natalia is disappointed. Nuh uh. Not on my watch.
I march forward and place a hand on Natalia’s shoulder.
“Surely, you and Lucas can speak later. After you’ve spent some time with your daughter. Natalia would love to show you her room and the medals she received at sport’s day last week.”
Holly sniffs. “The nanny is in no position to speak to me about what I should do.”
“Good thing I’m not the nanny then.”
She waves a dismissive hand at me. “Lucas’s little plaything then. It makes no difference. You have no right to be here.”
Lucas growls and wraps an arm around my waist. “This is my wife.”
Holly rolls her eyes. “I’m your wife. Not this…”
Her gaze rakes up and down my body. I’m wearing a pair of cut-off jean shorts and a t-shirt with a mermaid on it. Whereas she’s dressed to impress. Her sheath dress is molded to her skin and her high heels are at least three inches tall.
I can understand why Lucas was attracted to her. She’s gorgeous with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She also has the curves I’ve always dreamed of.
“This is my wife,” Lucas grumbles. “You’re my ex.”
I glance down at Natalia who seems to be shrinking into herself. She should be the center of attention now. Not her mother.
“Why don’t you two continue this discussion and Natalia and I will go elsewhere to watch a movie?”
“You’re not taking my daughter anywhere!” Holly shouts.
“Okay. We’ll stay here and you two can go get a coffee. I recommendPirates Pastries.You should try Blackbeard’s revenge cookies. They are to die for.”
Her nose wrinkles. “Cookies? I don’t eat sugar.”
Of course, she doesn’t. I bet she goes to the gym, too. She probably thinks having a gorgeous body and face means she can be a bitch.
She’s in for a rude awakening. I’ve been down this road before. I know how rotten a person can be on the inside despite their outward appearance.
“I’m trying to be nice,” I warn her.
“Nice? You stole my husband,” she screeches.
Natalia’s bottom lip trembles. She’s on the verge of tears. She shouldn’t be a witness to this discussion.
“I’m begging you to take the adult discussion elsewhere. Somewhere Natalia isn’t.”
“Begging?” She snorts. “I bet you do a lot of begging.”
“Enough,” Lucas grumbles. “You don’t disrespect my wife.”