Page 85 of After the Vows

A note is taped to the front door. I snatch it.

I kidnapped Natalia. You may have her back in the morning. Go enjoy yourselves. Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge.

I hold up the note. “Who writes wink wink nudge nudge?”

“The note is signed Sophia.”

He scowls. “I don’t appreciate your friends kidnapping my daughter.”

“We’ll go get her.” She starts for the car but I capture her wrist to stop her.

“Are you serious?”

“Of course. If you’re uncomfortable with Sophia and Flynn babysitting Natalia for the night, we’ll pick her up and do a movie night.”

Damn. She is serious. Chloe would give up a night of guaranteed sex to go get my daughter. And here I thought I couldn’t get any more turned on.

I tug on her wrist until she’s plastered against me. “I trust Sophia to babysit Natalia. Correction. I trust Flynn to watch NataliaandSophia.”

The pulse in her neck flutters. “You do?” she breathes out.

“I do. But it begs the question…” I trail off to kiss her neck.

She tilts her head to provide me with better access. “W-w-what question?”

“What are we going to do with ourselves without my daughter in the house?”

Her fingers dig into my shoulders. “Are you lifting the no sex rule?”

I glide my finger down her neck and between her breasts before whispering in her ear, “If you want to.”

“If I want to?”

I bite her earlobe. “Say yes.”

“Yes,” she hisses. “A bajillion times, yes.”

I chuckle. “Bajillion?”

“We’ll have Paisley explain a bajillion to us tomorrow. We’re busy tonight.”

I lift her up and she circles my waist with her legs. My cock presses against my shorts in a bid to get to where it wants.

I open the door and carry her inside. I make sure to lock the door behind us before carrying her upstairs and to my bedroom where she belongs. Where she’s always belonged. I was a fool to fight this attraction before but I’ve learned the error of my ways.

I lay her on the bed and cover her with my body.

“You’ve been driving me wild all evening.”

“Right back at ya. I thought your calves were the sexiest part of your body but after spending dinner studying your chest, I’m not as sure.” She draws a finger over my tattoo. “This ink is particularly sexy.”

I chuckle. “My calves?”

She drags her fingernails lightly up and down my back. I love the feel of her hands on my body. But it’s my turn to touch her. To drive her crazy with need. To give her pleasure until she’s blinded by it.

I get to my knees. “As much as I love you wearing my clothes, this t-shirt has got to go.”

She lifts her arms and I whip the t-shirt off. I groan when her tiny red bikini is revealed. Her breasts are barely covered by the top.