“I can actually drive without eating first. It’s a skill I acquired in college when I couldn’t stand another peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast.”
“You went to college?”
I point to the door. “You need to get to work.”
He checks his phone. “Shit. I need to go.” He ruffles Natalia’s hair. “Have fun today.” He kisses my cheek as he passes me. “Thanks for your help this morning.”
“Happy to help.”
I’m not lying. I am happy to help. I’m happy to pretend to be part of this family for a while. I’ll just set my alarm for five minutes earlier tomorrow because I’m not letting a twelve-year-old beat me to the bathroom again.
“Come on, kiddo. Time to go.”
I sip on my coffee as she picks up her bowl and rinses it in the sink before placing it in the dishwasher. Well trained kid. She’s kind of perfect. I wish she was mine.
“Have fun,” I say when we reach the summer camp.
Natalia opens the door but pauses before whirling around to face me. “I want you and Dad to be real.”
My breath catches in my throat. “Real?” I croak out.
“I know you married him to keep my mom from getting custody of me, but I like you and I think my dad likes you. Do you like my dad?”
I nod. “Your dad is a great guy.”
“But do you like him like him?”
“Natalia, sweetie, it’s sweet how you want us to be a real family.” A real family? I never thought I’d have a real family. “But whatever happens between your dad and me is between the two of us.”
Her nose wrinkles. “Okay.”
She jumps out of the car before rushing away. Damn. I hope I didn’t hurt her feelings.
The last thing I want to do is hurt Natalia. But I didn’t lie. My relationship with her dad is private.
I shake my head. What am I thinking? I don’t have a relationship with her dad. Unless you count friendship, which is not what Natalia meant.
Gah. This family stuff is hard.
Chapter 16
Altercation – a noisy argument between two women at a children’s rollercoaster. May involve nachos.
“What’s going on?” I ask Weston as I enter the station.
“Pay up!” He opens his hand to Officer Ledger who slaps a bill in his hand.
“What did you bet about?”
“You.” He smirks. “I bet you didn’t use any of the condoms I gave you as a wedding present.”
I grasp the back of his uniform shirt before dragging him down the hallway to the locker room and shoving him inside. After making certain we’re alone, I shut and lock the door behind me.
Weston grins. “If you want to be alone with me, all you have to do is ask. I do require dinner before I put out, though.”
“What the hell are you thinking? You know my marriage to Chloe isn’t real.”