“Lucas Fellows! You bring us your bride this moment or I’m going to lose patience,” a woman shouts.
“Listen to your mother, son,” a man answers.
“Son?” My pulse increases until I can barely breathe. “Your parents are here?”
“They can’t wait to meet you.”
I drop my hand. I do not want to be caught with his cock in my hand when I meet his parents.
“You could have told me they’d be here.”
He brushes the hair from my face. “It’s a surprise, remember?” He kisses my nose and grasps my hand. “Let’s go meet them.”
I tug on his hand. “What if they don’t like me?”
“Wildcat, do you love me?” I nod. “Do you love my daughter?” I nod again. “Then, they’re going to love you, too.”
I don’t understand his reasoning but I allow him to lead me to the foyer where an elderly couple is waiting.
“Mom, Dad, this is Chloe.”
“I love her already,” his mom squeals before rushing me and throwing her arms around me. “Welcome to the family. I’m sorry we weren’t at the wedding.” She pulls back to glare at her son. “But someone didn’t tell us.”
His dad claps Lucas on the back. “You’re a bit old to keep secrets from your parents.”
“It’s my fault,” I say. “I don’t have any parents and I was intimidated to meet you. Don’t blame him. Lucas didn’t do anything wrong. He’s perfect.”
His dad smiles. “She’s perfect for you, son.”
“I am nowhere near perfect. We should get this straight from the start before you set high expectations I can’t meet, Mr. Fellows.”
He chuckles. “Mr. Fellows? We’re family. You can call me Lucas. Or, if you want, Dad.”
“Dad?” My bottom lip trembles and my eyes get itchy. “I’ve never had a dad before.”
He kisses my cheek. “You do now, sweetheart.”
A tear escapes and Lucas wipes it away. “Don’t cry, wildcat.”
“These are happy tears. I’ll cry if I want to.”
He palms my cheeks. “And here I was worried you’d be mad at me.”
I slap his shoulder. “Why would I be mad? Do you not want your parents to like me?”
“I have a girl crush,” his mom says and I focus my gaze on her. “What? Did I say that wrong? I saw it on the tickety-tock.”
“The tickety-tock?” I giggle. “I think I have a girl crush on you, too, Mrs. Fellows.”
“You can call me Florence or Flo. Or maybe Mama Flo. Is it cool sounding?”
I beam at her. “Mama Flo it is.”
“Shall we join the party?” Lucas ask and motions toward the room where we had our wedding reception.
His parents go ahead of us as we walk to the ballroom.
“How many people did you invite?” I ask him when we enter.