I rolled my eyes and started marching across the ranch. “That’s the main cabin. Mills, Tate, and West live there. Three meals a day are served for ranch hands but if you like your gut, I suggest you avoid it on days West cooks.”

“We remember West’s cooking. We’ll eat at home those days.” Dean fell into step beside me. “Nice of you to look out for our guts, though.”

Ignoring him, I walked faster across the dirt road that broke away from the main driveway and led to the barns. Most people would’ve struggled to keep up with my pace, but not them. My legs were long but they were massive and had no trouble keeping up.

“The horse barn is on the right. There’s a barn for the tractors and other equipment right there.” I pointed toward the left. “And the big barn is for the cows. There’s a section we use for the farrier in the back.”

Reed, the one with the cowboy hat that I only maybe found exciting to look at, pushed up the front of said hat to stare downat me. His blue eyes were piercing as he did so. I waited for him to say something but he just stared silently. I forgot what I was doing and tripped over a rock, just to have him reach out and steady me.

I grunted and brushed his hands off my arms. “Thanks. Anyway. If you keep going down this road, you’ll find the cabins and then the road goes up Devil Spine Mountain a little ways before it ends. That’s where Mills and Tate are. The upper pastures are easy to get to from the end of the road. There you go. That’s the tour. Hope you had fun and now I’m going to do anything else.”

Dean grunted. “Got some coloring pages to fill in?”

I planted my hands on my hips and stood up straighter. “Even if I did, it’d be none of your business. I may have to deal with you for a little bit but I don’t have to like it. I also don’t have to stick around. I’ve got places to be. Places that don’t include grumpy jerks who have fewer brain cells than the loofah I wash myself with. So, goodbye. See you later. Go screw yourselves.”

I flipped my hair over my shoulder and strolled back toward my beat-up little car. I’d gone to town for a reason and I had more reason than ever after my interaction with my brothers and their friends. I was on a fast train into man hating land and I needed to share the ride with someone else.

I dialed Eve as I drove back into town. “Eve, I’m starting theDoll’s Clubhere and I’m going to make our first goal to destroy the men around me.”

She had me tell her everything and then she raged with me. “He asked you if you were going to go color? He has to die. There’s no other answer.”

I nodded and then realized she couldn’t see me. “I agree. Murder will be the first club meeting agenda. The whole thing. Just murder.”

“Tell me what they look like first.” She laughed when I remained silent. “Oh, they’re hot, aren’t they?”

“Nope. They’re horrendous. They look like what you’d get if a monkey mated with a come sock.” I pursed my lips and went over a series of potholes as slowly as I could handle.

“So, they’re super-hot. Interesting.”

“They’re not hot, Eve. They’re monsters. They’re completely hideous. They’re so ugly I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about them.” I squeezed the steering wheel. “Fine, they’re hot. They look like every wet dream I’ve ever had. Is that what you want to know?”

“Yes! This baby is making me horny all the time. Go into explicit detail about their looks.”

“Nope. I’m not doing that. Even if I had spent more than a few minutes looking at them, I wouldn’t. So, you can stop. Go find one of your men and jump them. I have to go, anyway. I have errands.” I glanced at the back seat where my bumper was lying. “I’ve got to figure out a way to pay for my own car repairs without my brothers finding out.”

“Just tell them, Vera.”

“Not a chance in hell.” I blew out a hard breath. “I’ll call you later. Forget I ever said anything about these guys and when I call you back, don’t mention them again. Okay? Okay. I love you! Hump your men for me!”



Mr. Fix Itwas the only mechanic in town but it was okay because Steve Samson was great. He looked like a handsome Santa Claus, complete with the long white beard. He was built like Dwayne Johnson, though. Nothing jolly about the flat stomach on him, at all. I parked in front of one of the two open bays and got out quickly. I felt motivated and wanted to get things started.

Steve came out of the shop wiping his hands on a grease-stained towel. “I heard you might be stopping by, Ms. Vera.”

“I hate the rumor mill in this town.” I gave him a quick hug and then we both turned around to look at the front of my car. “The bumper’s in the back seat. Can you fix it for me?”

The smile on his face was secretive and I knew it was the smile that made a lot of the older women in town swoon. Not that Steve responded to any of the swooning. I’d only ever known him to be single. “I can fix it. It’s going to take a few days, though. I’ll have to order the parts in. Should I bill it to the ranch?”

I shook my head. “No, I’ve got this one. Just don’t mention it to my brothers. Please.”

He shot me a curious look but only smiled when I shook my head. “Okay, Ms. Vera. I’ll keep your secret. Now, go on down to the diner and have a slice of pie for me. I heard Don put out a muscadine pie this morning which had people close to tears.”

My eyes widened and I patted my stomach. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

I walked down Main Street and stopped intoDevil’s Dinerfor a slice of that pie before walking a little farther to get toPearly Things. Ava Pearl owned the only salon in town and it was a hub for all the women around. The older ladies went weekly to get their curls set and the rest of us went as often as we couldto gossip. Yes, I was a part of the gossip problem, but I wasn’t talking about that right then.